domoticz rules == node red?
simple question:
i'm trying to decide wether to go with openhab or domoticz.When trying to compare them, i stumbled over the rules:
in opebhab they are configures within openhab. in domoticz I didn't find something like rules. Does this mean, i have to use node red as rule engine?
Im sorry if its a newb anser... with rules you mean scripts and so on like "turn light on when motion detected..." ??
If so, Domoticz have both lua blockley and others: use LUA scrips in Domoticz which i find easy to use and works great.
yep thats what i meant. more or less complex if sensor X then trigger actuator Y and actuator Z.
I will read your links. Thanks!
is there a way to use NodeRed for rules and exporting them to domoticz's Lua?