Domoticz using wrong message Type

  • I just switched from openHAB to Domoticz. Getting MS to run with it was straight forward and done in a few minutes. But now I am facing a really strange problem. I have a node with a LED dimmer and a door contact. At first everything seemed to work as expected. But then the dimmer stopped working correctly when setting it to on (100%) or off (0%). All values in between continued to work as before. Using the serial monitor I found out, that Domoticz stopped using message type 2 for these values and instead was using type 36 (V_LOCK_STATUS). After some testing restarting Domoticz seems to be the only solution for this problem. This happened twice to me. Did some one see this happening before?

    Here is the code:

    MyMessage msg(2,V_LOCK_STATUS);
    MyMessage dimmerMsg(0, V_DIMMER);
     gw.present( 0, S_DIMMER );
     gw.present(2, S_DOOR);

    In Domoticz the switches are configured as dimmer and door lock. I am using the latest stable of Domoticz and MySensors 1.5.

    Any ideas what's happening?

  • Ok, solved it myself. V_LOCK_STATUS is wrong in this case. The expected subtype for S_DOOR is V_TRIPPED. Changed it in the sketch and everything works as expected.

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