suddenly it stops receive some data

  • I have been running Domoticz for 4-5 weeks now on Windows 7, as service.
    Gateway: Arduino UNO + Ethernet v 1.5.1
    Node Arduino Pro Mini v 1.5.1
    Si7021 and BMP180
    Running on battery
    Cap on NRF

    It have happened that some of the values doesn't reach Domoticz.

    DEBUG output from Node is correct.

    Last time is start to work by itself many hours after no data has been received.

    It happened last night again, 3 am it stops sending Humidity.

    I have restarted PC, Domotics, Arduino even rewrote code to Arduino, nothing helps.

    More details can be found on Domoticz forum

  • Hardware Contributor

    I have this issue as well with a combined Temp/Hum/Baro, works for a week - then suddenly it stops, and then after a while (or reboot of node) it starts working again.

  • @sundberg84
    Oh thank you. I thought it was something in my code or hardware.

  • i updated to 2.4440 and now it receives again, wiihoo

  • Hardware Contributor

    What i think it might be - is that these three values are combined into one "weather item" in Domoticz. If you have a if statement not sending if say the baro value is the same as before, Domoticz thinks it a change in the node. Therefore (atleast in my domoticz) a new device with say only temp and humidity is created.

  • Yes, I have seen that. If I restart Domoticz and restart Node it receives Temp and Baro, create 2 new items named Temp and Baro. But after this I never get any new values not for TempHumbaro or the 2 new items, Temp and Baro.

    But if it starts to work after x hours maybe I can live with that.

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