Water flowsensor
I'm new in mysensors/arduino. I would like to monitor the water usage with 5 flowsensors like the fs400a. It would all be connected to my domoticz setup,if possible by Ethernet.Because I'm new in this, I do not know how where to start. What do I need? An uno r3 and Ethernet shield?
Welcome to MySensors @thomas2000 !
You should probably start with the getting started guide
Thank you for your post. I also found this http://www.seeedstudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=989&sid=bbe4d6f1ab9f050788e5fa5b41b46069
Can you check my picklist:
Uno r3
W5100 Ethernet shield
Some cables
FlowmetersCan I split the 5v from the uno r3 to the flowmeters?