Inclusion Mode Button (help)

  • Hello,

    I haven't used the Inclusion Mode Button before and I want to understand two things please.

    First. This mode is used to add new sensor node through the gateway by pressing a button for example and doing some steps to be able to add it to the gateway map. Correct ?

    Second. Does this applies only with Vera controllers, or does the technique is actually done by the Gateway which then sends the data to any controller normally , like Domoticz ?


  • I wanted to create the same topic, actually.

    Does inclusion mode erase eeprom memory from gateway?
    Does InclMode sent command to all known nodes to resend presenting command to gateway?

    How inclusion mode help to find missing nodes? for instance, I added 10 servo-nodes at once. I found some. Will inclusion mode help me to find the others?

    So, what exactly does this mode do?

  • Contest Winner

    I haven't used the inclusion mode because Domoticz doesn'te require the use of it. But as far as I have understood it. Pressing the inclusion button will notify your home automation system that there is a new sensor available. That way you can add the new sensor to your system.

    I'm pretty sure that the inclusion button will not erase the E-prom of the gateway. It wouldn't make sense to do that. It'll loose all valuable information if the eprom would be erased.

    I also don't think that the gateway will notify other sensors of the fact that there's a new sensor in your eco-system. The gateway does only what it's being called and that is to act as a gateway between the sensor network and the system to which it acts as a gateway.

    Inclusion mode might help you in finding your servo nodes. But it depends on whether your home automation system supports inclusion mode for my sensors.

  • Admin

    Inclusion mode is (from what I know) only used by the Vera controller.

    It does not wipe and data on gateway or remove any traffic going to controller. The gateway is stateless and does not remember anything except routing information.

    In 2.0 you can send an internal present message to a node to have it re-present itself (if it is an active node awake and listening).

  • Who knows better that You, Hek? 🙂

    So what do I have to do with my lost servos? Press "allow for 5 minutes" (it does not help a lot) in Domoticz?

    For Domoticz inclusion mode is useless, isn't it?

    So, nodes are stored in their own memories and on Domoticz (or other system)?

    What does inclusion mode do for Vera? Is it same as "allow for 5 minutes" in Domoticz?

  • Admin

    Sorry, haven't had the opportunity to use Domoticz myself. And I don't know what you mean by servos.

    If you are presenting a lot of devices in your sketch, it can help to put a small wait(100) between them.

  • Servos= servo motors

  • Where is "node id" stored?

    And there is "eeprom erase" in troubleshooting at mysensors site. Where should I delete eeprom? I thought that it is eeprom of gateway.

  • Admin

    The id is stored in the nodes EEPROM along with some other information. You can clear all this with the provided sketch.

  • Thank You.

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