πŸ’¬ MysX2USB

  • Hardware Contributor

    This could make the MysX connector very appeal able to many people to include on their boards! Does the MysX connector/header contain enough to enable use to upload and monitor via serial?

  • Hardware Contributor

    very nice idea @tbowmo !
    recently I was thinking that maybe I would give up on mysx in future but maybe not now πŸ™‚
    Each time it's some nightmare for me to route a new mcu for mysx connector as I need to route everything on one edge and if we want to stay on 2layer, harder (4layer gives more space but more expensive). It's a lot easier to route on each edge!!
    I have got my routing footprint for this now so not a true problem...but I was not seeing anyone making childboard yet so I was wondering that maybe I was having pain for nothing. Thanks to make me wrong πŸ™‚

  • Admin


    We are missing a reset pin in MysX, so you have to reset the target manually, otherwise everything else should be there.


    I'm preparing a 5x5cm board at DirtyPcbs, with some spare space, so I'm creating a set of small add-on boards that I'm panelizing. I have a 2 channel LED dimer as well (will be adding it when I have access to my own computer again). If you have other ideas for small add-ons that can be squeezed into a 17x29mm board (or there about) please let me know πŸ™‚

  • Hardware Contributor

    @tbowmo : +1 for reset! for the moment, I put on right side of mysx because on my boards. I preferred to have vin pin on edge of the board. So rst is on right side of my connector which is not very nice to route then (regarding my footprint routing). I would have preferred to have it elsewhere on the connector but now it's like this so, not a problem for me.

    A new board??? Very cool news πŸ™‚ I bet on an atsam one! or perahps not...ftdi..lol
    17x29, nice size for a childboard, humm..I will look at some stuff I have but, in general, I try to center childboards with my mainboards (which are not 5x5). which is not cool...because finally a childboard with mysx could be not compliant with others...(compliant in the sense of the board geometry...). That would need some standard like a 5x5 should be like this, a 2.5x5 like this...or we fall in to do our own childboard each time a new mainboard done...I have not standardized my size boards...I try to stay below 3cm wide, but it's sure that 5x5 is a very logic standard for this and not so big, so. I will see if I can give some ideas (I would be happy) when I will see what your board does πŸ˜‰ For the moment I would prefer to share in pm...because that would implie support during proto process...too much time consuming for the moment😟 why I hvae not released too much things yet unfortunately!

  • Hardware Contributor

    @tbowmo said:

    We are missing a reset pin in MysX, so you have to reset the target manually, otherwise everything else should be there.

    The fact we are only missing a reset pin is not the end of the world for serial uploads, this is something that be located as a single pin anywhere on the board, at any position and then just run a single jumper wire to it from the serial programmer along side of the full MysX connector. I'm now very tempted to create a serial programmer with a MysX connector on there rather than the traditional 6-pin ISP connector o.O

  • Admin


    I talked briefly with @Anticimex the other day about reset in the mysx connector.. But we decided that it wouldn't make sense to bump the revision with this right now. Also, won't be useful in my current board, as it haven't got the boardspace for a full MysX (I'm going with MysX1.2 / 1.3). So I decided that manual reset should be enough for this particular one.

    And yes, daughter boards will probably vary in size and formfactor, and so will the mainboards. But they should still be compatible in some way, even though their outlines doesn't match perfectly. (both add-on boards that I have created is smaller than the main boards that I have created so far). I do not see this as a limiting factor πŸ™‚

    I'm going to use the MysX for programming, because adding an extra programming ftdi header would mean too much board space going to be "wasted" πŸ™‚ You have the serial accessible there anyways, so why add extra headers. And yes, the reset needs to be handled manually, but that is manageable..

  • Hardware Contributor

    completely agree πŸ™‚ btw mysx has its pros too.

  • Contest Winner

    MYSX 2.x has been launched and does come with a reset pin

  • Admin

    And I have updated the project to use MYSX 2.0 now

  • Contest Winner

    @tbowmo a bit higher version than 2.0 I hope πŸ™‚

  • Admin


    Why? It only needs the serial connection and reset pin, which is available in 2.0 πŸ˜‰

  • Contest Winner

    @tbowmo ah, yes of course. I thought of the GW, but that's a different project πŸ™‚

  • Hardware Contributor

    @tbowmo more out of curiosity, and from someone that just got started on electronics, so please sorry if this sounds like very noob, but, would it not be safer to plug the V_TARGET LED to the +3.3v pin? How do you ensure that the resistor on the V_TARGET will have constant voltage and that will not blow from over voltage if the VCCio pin is depended on the the Motherboard power?

    Thank You and nice work

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