Question about sleep until interrupt
I'm trying to create a sensor that sleeps until an interrupt occurs on either pin 2 or pin 3 of the Arduino. I just can't get it to work. Is it possible or does sleep only supports one interrupt pin at the time?
Also, will message received from the gateway awaken the node?
Thanx in advance.
You can read here, under Sleeping
@flopp thank you very much for your quick response!
@TheoL said:
Also, will message received from the gateway awaken the node?
Unfortunately not. The radio uses as much power as the rest of the chip so it is shut down in sleep mode.
@mfalkvidd Thank you for your reply. I'll have to make some changes to my original plan. I was planning on using the sleep mode in my doorbell. Just to save some on the energy bill
But it's okay, I want a motion sensor in my hall way. I'll just combine it in the doorbell. Thanx again.
@TheoL you're welcome. What message are you sending to the doorbell?
@mfalkvidd at the moment only the muting state of the doorbell chime. But once my digital potentionometer arrives I'll be sending a volume level as well.
Update: I also want to trigger to chime remotely. My thinking is that I can solder a second one (but without switch) as a doorbell extender. I can mount that one in my living room.