ESP8266 Gateway + nRF24L01+PA+LNB = Interference?

  • Hi Guys,

    So, I spent basically the last week trying to get a simple setup to work with limited success. 2 days from morning until 2am!

    The issue I'm having is that once I put the ESP8266 and nRF24L01+PA+LNB (Shielded with foil) into a project box the signal becomes unstable I get a lot of FAILS. It appears looking at the gateway debug that the gateway doesn't transmit particularly well, I can also confirm this by deleting a nodes EPROM and then have it try and reconnect (see my previous issue posted here). The node doesn't connect most of the time unless I specify the parent ID - Most likely because the gateway isn't transmitting well. Swapping the gateway to a standard nRF helps. I've tried changing nRF channels with no obvious improvement. I can simulate the issue by placing the nRF24L01+PA+LNB near the ESP when not in the project box. The nRF24L01+PA+LNB is connected via jumper wires to the NodeMCU.

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm really desperate to get MySensors deployed so I can use the MQTT client šŸ˜ž

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  • In case it helps anyone, after a week I've resolved this.

    1. If using the PA version of the nRF with the ESP, it needs to be placed a good distance from the ESP itself. Also, ensure to wrap the nRF board in film and foil (making sure that the foil touches the gold antenna connector).

    2. Keep the wires connecting the nRF to the ESP / Arduino as short as possible, I choose to shield mine too as it helped with range.

    After a week it's rock solid, and I'm getting circa 400-500 metres!

  • @Mark-Swift as everything in your setup seems shielded. Maybe an idea: Could it be the power-source that causing the interference?
    A switching regulator sends out a good portion of interferences itself.

  • @Oitzu The power supply was my Macbook for testing (using the NodeMCU's USB power supply), I also had the same issue with a good quality USB supply...

  • Maybe post a picture of the build in troublesome state. To get a better understanding of your setup.

  • @Oitzu I think it's time for me to give up. I've spent a week trying to get this all working - it's simply not happening.

    It seems the issue lies with my PA+LNB modules... They're unreliable, and even my attempts to shield them isn't working reliably. Without them everything seems to work smoothly. Sadly I've quite a distance I need covering to repeaters everywhere isn't really an option šŸ˜ž

  • @Mark-Swift you said to have problems with your nRF+PA with your ESP, did you also tried to use a normal nRF at your gateway and build an repeater with your nRF+PA? Maybe the arduinos are more stable... just to give it a try.

  • Hi,

    I sure did, in fact that's what I've been trying since this morning.

    I can confirm that the PA works sometimes at a good distance (20-30m), but it's damn unreliable and requires it to be held in certain way at a certain angle, sometimes it connects perfect for a while, and then it decides to stop responding. I've 2 of them and they both show the same behaviour. BTW I don't expect great range as we have real issues with Wifi signals too (Barn conversion).

    Deploying normal nRF2401+ modules seem to work perfect with reliable connections while they're in range of the gateway; so I'm confident it's PA related. I've taken some pictures of my modules which I'll upload soon.

    Things tried so far:

    Different power supples, USB and breadboard. Providing power to the PA module via it's own AMS1117.
    Shielding the PA module, both with the gold antenna connector foiled / not foiled (This seems to be ground).
    Changing RF channels - I think I've tried nearly all of them! (I even built a sniffer yesterday).
    Reinstalled Arduino IDE, tried various version of the ESP board manager just in case (2.0.0 and 2.1.0).
    Probably a bunch of other stuff!

    I've been trying to get this working reliably for nearly a full week (I'm not over exaggerating either!). Last night the PA repeater in the garage worked for the entire night and then stopped this morning. I was sure I'd cracked it, but then it's back to acting up again...


  • @Mark-Swift same issue here

  • @noelgeorgi šŸ˜ž I've given up for now, I've ordered some new PA+LNB models with shielding!

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