Servo-Motion Multisensor - Release 2.0
Hello everybody,
I try to bring a multi sensor with 2.0 release to run. Containing a servo and a motion sensor.
The sketch is compiled without errors
But unfortunately only the motion sensor works.
The servo motor does not react. I have tried a lot but without success
Could someone help me please?
Many thanks for any help// Enable debug prints to serial monitor #define MY_DEBUG // Enable and select radio type attached #define MY_RADIO_NRF24 //#define MY_RADIO_RFM69 #include <SPI.h> #include <MySensors.h> #include <Servo.h> #define SERVO_DIGITAL_OUT_PIN 3 #define SERVO_MIN 0 // Fine tune your servos min. 0-180 #define SERVO_MAX 180 // Fine tune your servos max. 0-180 #define DETACH_DELAY 900 // Tune this to let your movement finish before detaching the servo #define CHILD_SERVO 1 // Id of the sensor child #define CHILD_MOTION 2 unsigned long SLEEP_TIME = 120000; // Sleep time between reports (in milliseconds) #define DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR 2 // The digital input you attached your motion sensor. (Only 2 and 3 generates interrupt!) MyMessage msgMOTION(CHILD_MOTION, V_TRIPPED); MyMessage msgSERVO(CHILD_SERVO, V_DIMMER); Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo // a maximum of eight servo objects can be created Sensor gw(9,10); unsigned long timeOfLastChange = 0; bool attachedServo = false; void setup() { // Request last servo state at startup request(CHILD_SERVO, V_DIMMER); pinMode(DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR, INPUT); } void presentation() { // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller sendSketchInfo("Servo_Motion", "1.0"); // Register all sensors to gw (they will be created as child devices) present(CHILD_SERVO, S_COVER); present(CHILD_MOTION, S_MOTION); } void loop() { if (attachedServo && millis() - timeOfLastChange > DETACH_DELAY) { myservo.detach(); attachedServo = false; } // Read digital motion value bool tripped = digitalRead(DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR) == HIGH; Serial.println(tripped); send(msgMOTION.set(tripped?"1":"0")); // Send tripped value to gw // Sleep until interrupt comes in on motion sensor. Send update every two minute. sleep(digitalPinToInterrupt(DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR), CHANGE, SLEEP_TIME); } void receive(const MyMessage &message) { myservo.attach(SERVO_DIGITAL_OUT_PIN); attachedServo = true; if (message.type==V_DIMMER) { // This could be M_ACK_VARIABLE or M_SET_VARIABLE int val = message.getInt(); myservo.write(SERVO_MAX + (SERVO_MIN-SERVO_MAX)/100 * val); // sets the servo position 0-180 // Write some debug info Serial.print("Servo changed. new state: "); Serial.println(val); } else if (message.type==V_UP) { Serial.println("Servo UP command"); myservo.write(SERVO_MIN); send(msgSERVO.set(100)); } else if (message.type==V_DOWN) { Serial.println("Servo DOWN command"); myservo.write(SERVO_MAX); send(msgSERVO.set(0)); } else if (message.type==V_STOP) { Serial.println("Servo STOP command"); myservo.detach(); attachedServo = false; } timeOfLastChange = millis(); }