SAM architecture (DUE, Teensy 3)

  • I didn't see any other threads with any usable info -- has anyone done anything with the SAM architecture MCUs? Specifically I was looking at using a Teensy 3 as a gateway. Some quick fiddling indicates that several changes will be needed, most notably the mstimer2 stuff. I can mess around with it as time permits, but just didn't want to miss anything or replicate any efforts, etc.

  • Admin

    Sounds good. I haven't tried teensy myself. Please origin from the development-branch if you intend to create a PR.

  • Any news about this topic?

    i guess it will be a giant milestone to run a gateway on a Teensy-LC or -3 cuz:

    ARM Cortex-M0+ processor at 48 MHz, 62K Flash, 8K RAM, 12 bit analog input & output, hardware Serial, SPI & I2C, USB, and a total of 27 I/O pins.


    Teensy 3.1 ($19):
    ARM Cortex-M0+ processor at 72MHz, 252K Flash, 64K RAM, 12 bit analog input & output, hardware Serial, SPI & I2C, USB, and a total of 27 I/O pins.

    No ram and speed problems for ever 🙂

  • Admin


    I'm working on a GW device using atsam D2, which is the same they use in arduino zero.

    Still in the design phase, but think we are getting close to ordering the first prototype pcb's

    Design thread is here

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