Multi sensing node for plant monitoring
I know there are other threads out there for soil moisture and plant monitoring sensors, but when I saw this sensor I thought it might be a good fit for some people here. I am a former user of the MisterHouse controller software and still a registered member of that forum. One of the users had pointed out this device. It not only does soil moisture sensing, but light and temperature sensing as well. To top it off, it appears to be an OpenHardware IO device.
@dbemowsk said:
One of the users had pointed out this device.
Yeah, I was in contact with the author in May, to get him publish the board on, but unfortunately he never did.
@hek I just saw the OpenHardware symbol on it, that's why I mentioned that.
Yes it's open source, when I will have some time I will try to make a MySensors version with atmega and nrf radio onboard.
@Nca78 Is this your device? NICE work.
@dbemowsk said:
@Nca78 Is this your device? NICE work.
Haha I wish but no
But as it's open source I plan to reuse the design of the "sensor" part that's underground as it's the main trick in the design. And at the top put an atmega 328 and a nrf24. Not sure about the light sensor yet.
@Nca78 This would be nice as a complete battery operated MySensors node all in one board. I would be interested if you get this working.