Hi John,
I also tried using datatype string but it doesen't work. Meanwhile I have studies the log files more detailed and found the following behavior:
when defining the device skeletal and when updating the derived device (first approx. 25 lines in the log file V_STATUS is declared as string with values 51 resp. 52 as specified in the web interface. The entity is "Modul 433 MHz".
Later on, when using the toggle switch in the web interface the value has changed in the decription in the log file (see line 164 or 185) value has been changed to on/off. With this definition it seem that the mysensors-Plugin is feeded has been changed from the specified values.
My conclusion is that the change is taking place somewhere outside the mysensors-plugin.
By the way, if I change the type to string do I have to use quotation marks in the web interface?
Thanks a lot for your support.
Hi all...
This is important for all ...
Hek I find problem with manual node ID setting ..
Your code is optimized for ATmega328P 16Mhz - 115200 serial speed ..
and here is problem ... big problem !!
16MHz -115200 is in normal speed : 3.549% ERROR , and in double speed : 2.124% ERROR
with no calibrated 8Mhz internal RC oscilator is normal speed : 8.507% ERROR and in double speed : 3.549%
then in fact .. no problem to send data from MCU to PC .. problem send data from PC to MCU ..
solution :
for sensor node or repeater .. we don't need received data from UART .. then can use 115200 with internal RC oscilator ..
for serial gateway is need to send and received data from to MCU with controller .. then use scrystal 16Mhz (as orginal code ) or use better crystall : 7.3728Mhz , 11.0592Mhz , 14.7456Mhz ... with this crystall is ERROR 0% ... or use lower speed for serial gateway for example 38400bps ...
sorry for all .. but I'm not thinking about it .. and problem was all time in hardware ..
interesting is that if generate own bootloader for my node then first time I set 115200 bps speed and my software show error more then 8.5% ERROR ..and I must change speed to 38400 ...
now it's working .. if node send request for new ID then I send it
Hi all
we are working on a new web client for our domotic framework.
Here some screenshots
It's a WIP so we need any help to complete it.
The code is available at https://github.com/freedomotic/fd-vue-webapp/
I would really like to get OTA working here as it's freezing outside and I have to go there to update the software in the greenhouse control system.
So please, can we have a 'how to' step-by-step guide to OTA? Please?
Hi dzairo,
Just wondering if you still monitor this thread. If so would love to know how to install the ComPort component so I can modify and use your terminal code. For some reason I don't have any luck with adding it to the IDE.
thanks, Andy.