I'm aware of the superiority of 1.4. Because I just started with building my custom controller I will go with the development branch for now. I really like the new protocol so far.
I'm using very basic arduino sketches at the moment. The only thing I'm worried about is my custom controller that I'm building in Node-Red. Hopefully the feature changes will not have to much impact on that part.
I would really like to get OTA working here as it's freezing outside and I have to go there to update the software in the greenhouse control system.
So please, can we have a 'how to' step-by-step guide to OTA? Please?
@brettzky84 said:
Im using the serial gateway on u17 and have it working fine. i have the same problem as you when my vera is rebooted or powered off, but found 2 solutions. 1 with the vera on disconnect then reconnect the serial gateway. wait 10seconds refresh the dashboard page. Then go to app/ developer apps/ serial connection. Reset your baud rate to 115200??...
Thansk. I ended up upgrading to the latst UI7 beta. My gateway is now working!!! Let's see how stable it is.
(UI7 has fixed some of my other issue too)
Hi all
we are working on a new web client for our domotic framework.
Here some screenshots
It's a WIP so we need any help to complete it.
The code is available at https://github.com/freedomotic/fd-vue-webapp/
Hi dzairo,
Just wondering if you still monitor this thread. If so would love to know how to install the ComPort component so I can modify and use your terminal code. For some reason I don't have any luck with adding it to the IDE.
thanks, Andy.
Hi John,
I also tried using datatype string but it doesen't work. Meanwhile I have studies the log files more detailed and found the following behavior:
when defining the device skeletal and when updating the derived device (first approx. 25 lines in the log file V_STATUS is declared as string with values 51 resp. 52 as specified in the web interface. The entity is "Modul 433 MHz".
Later on, when using the toggle switch in the web interface the value has changed in the decription in the log file (see line 164 or 185) value has been changed to on/off. With this definition it seem that the mysensors-Plugin is feeded has been changed from the specified values.
My conclusion is that the change is taking place somewhere outside the mysensors-plugin.
By the way, if I change the type to string do I have to use quotation marks in the web interface?
Thanks a lot for your support.