Hi all
we are working on a new web client for our domotic framework.
Here some screenshots
It's a WIP so we need any help to complete it.
The code is available at https://github.com/freedomotic/fd-vue-webapp/
@brettzky84 said:
Im using the serial gateway on u17 and have it working fine. i have the same problem as you when my vera is rebooted or powered off, but found 2 solutions. 1 with the vera on disconnect then reconnect the serial gateway. wait 10seconds refresh the dashboard page. Then go to app/ developer apps/ serial connection. Reset your baud rate to 115200??...
Thansk. I ended up upgrading to the latst UI7 beta. My gateway is now working!!! Let's see how stable it is.
(UI7 has fixed some of my other issue too)
I would really like to get OTA working here as it's freezing outside and I have to go there to update the software in the greenhouse control system.
So please, can we have a 'how to' step-by-step guide to OTA? Please?
One last thing I'd like to clarify after re-reading my previous post.
The correct send string I entered in the terminal is without trailing ";" - like it was supposed before. As mentioned, the problem has been the BAUD rate of 156k with 8MHz crystal..
So the correct command which will change the PWM -Dimmer level on node 3 to 50% is:
Hi all...
This is important for all ...
Hek I find problem with manual node ID setting ..
Your code is optimized for ATmega328P 16Mhz - 115200 serial speed ..
and here is problem ... big problem !!
16MHz -115200 is in normal speed : 3.549% ERROR , and in double speed : 2.124% ERROR
with no calibrated 8Mhz internal RC oscilator is normal speed : 8.507% ERROR and in double speed : 3.549%
then in fact .. no problem to send data from MCU to PC .. problem send data from PC to MCU ..
solution :
for sensor node or repeater .. we don't need received data from UART .. then can use 115200 with internal RC oscilator ..
for serial gateway is need to send and received data from to MCU with controller .. then use scrystal 16Mhz (as orginal code ) or use better crystall : 7.3728Mhz , 11.0592Mhz , 14.7456Mhz ... with this crystall is ERROR 0% ... or use lower speed for serial gateway for example 38400bps ...
sorry for all .. but I'm not thinking about it .. and problem was all time in hardware ..
interesting is that if generate own bootloader for my node then first time I set 115200 bps speed and my software show error more then 8.5% ERROR ..and I must change speed to 38400 ...
now it's working .. if node send request for new ID then I send it
Hi. It's long time .. but standard function is : gw.processRadioMessage();
and I make changes in source code in MyGateway.cpp to this :
char MyGateway::processRadioMessage() {
char isMessage=0;
if (process()) {
// A new message was received from one of the sensors
MyMessage message = getLastMessage();
if (mGetCommand(message) == C_PRESENTATION && inclusionMode) {
} else {
// Pass along the message from sensors to serial line
return isMessage;
But in new library is not file MyGateway.cpp .. then I don't now ..
using is :
if (gw.processRadioMessage()==1) {..}
there is possible make easy gateway .. controler .. to control only light for example.. then we don't need external controller .. etc..