sensorize a vertical blind

  • hi guys i was looking around recently and found this for vertical lift blinds which seems quite thoughrough and well thought out.....

    does anyone else think it should be possible to sensorize it?

    am not asking for anyone to rewrite into a sensor but more just wondering if it would be a worthwhile task to re write into a sensor...seems to be perfect for my needs....a very common blind type in australia

  • Mod

    I don't see many issues adding code to make it work with mysensors, but I'd use a Mega 2560 since the uno is really filled up and you don't have pins for radio; also you may be able to integrate the color sensor into the mega without using a second board. Keep in mind that you can that you can use reed or micro switches instead of color sensor if you are willing to add few cables running next to the blinds ☺

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