Relay doesn't show up in devices
I'm quite new to MySensors, but not to domoticz, I already deployed mysensors based sensors (temperature, etc...) but I'm having a problem my the relay sketch: the relay shows up in domoticz in mysensors gateway setup page, but not in "Devices". I've read that a node should send data in order to show up un devices, but I don't know how to do that. I'm running last version of mysensors library. Please help!
Thanks in advance, Thierry
@thierryd Yes Domoticz may need you to send a message from the node before you will see it. the format will just be the usual, something like
You would only need to send this once to see the node. perhaps you could post your sketch and i can be a bit more specific
Ah I see you have cross posted to another thread and found a solution.
@Boots33 sorry for not noticing before.
@thierryd please don't post the same question multiple time. As you can see, it wastes nice people's time when they spend time trying to help you and don't know about the other place.
Apologies, I posted in troubleshooting as I didn't get hits on domoticz section. I will pay attention not to cross post again.
Great. I'm adding a link to the other post in case someone stumbles over this thread: