PiHome - Smart Heating Control Available To download

  • Hi Guys,
    i thought i better start new thread here instead hijacking someone's, i have uploaded all the code on http://www.pihome.eu i can answer any question you have here. its open source raspberry pi based smart heating control.

    PiHome - Smart Heating Control - Home Screen
    PiHome - Smart Heating Control - One Touch

    Thank you to all MySensorss Community other wise this project wasn't easy to make it wireless.

  • Mod

    How much "smart" is it? I mean did you put some specific features in it?

  • I should have done a youtube video but i haven't got the skills to do this, but you can check demo at http://www.pihome.eu and you are welcome to put any code contribution 🙂

  • Mod

    I was only trying to understand if you have some features that automatically adapts the system on the change of some parameters, PID, etc or if it is just a remote controlled heating system

  • If you mean this learns your behaviour how you use heating then no, but if you are looking to control your heating then truck load of features. ie. schedules based on time and desired temperature whichever comes first to turn off boiler, boost based on 30 minuts and maximum temperature on zone which ever comes first to turn off boiler. your boiler usage graph... i m not saying this is perfect but i have this running over two years and my gas bill went down from avg. 150€/month to 70€/month.

  • Mod

    I was wondering since I am very a happy owner of a Netatmo thermostat and it does a pretty good job in keeping constant temperature (PID) and adjusting the boiler timer according to internal/external temperature (you just set what temperature you want at a specific time and it works out when to turn on the boiler).

  • PiHome have that feature as well where you can specify temperature and leave it at that and then it keeps temperature at that level or you can add schedule for any zone.

    My Usage graph for last one year. and boiler time it saved me.

    My Boiler Usage graph

    Schedule List

    Past 24 hours temperature graph with boiler status in vertical lines in background.

    Night Climate (i should rename it to just climate)

  • I Just did quick calculation for total cost for this project

    Temperature Sensors Node
    NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver 0.66€
    Pro Mini 328 Mini 3.3V/8M 1.35€
    DS18B20 Thermometer Temperature Sensor 0.53€
    Temperature and humidity sensor plastic box 3.48€
    18650 Battery 3.7V Li-ion Rechargeable Battery 1.56€

    MySensors Gateway
    Wireless module CH340 NodeMcu V3 Lua 2.39€
    NRF24L01 PA LNA 20dBm 2500m Long Distance SPI 2.4GHz 3.87€

    Multi Zone Controller Relay
    4 Channel relay module with optocoupler 1.74€
    NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver 0.66€

    Boiler Controller Relay
    2 Channel relay module with optocoupler 0.84€
    NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver 0.66€

    Raspberry Pi for PiHome
    Raspberry Pi 3 or 2 or B+ which ever you want to use. 35€
    Raspberry pi Casing 1€
    Raspberry Power Supply 6€
    SD Card for Raspberry Pi 5€

    General Items used in project
    Double Side Copper Prototype PCB Universal Board 6.66€
    Metal Film Resistor Kit Pack Mix 4.92€
    Single Female Pin Header Case For Arduino 2.20€
    0.1 uF 104 50V Mono Monolithic Capacitors 0.78€
    4Pin Double Row Straight Pin Female Header 0.87€
    values 0.22UF-470UF Aluminum electrolytic capacitor assortment kit 1.35€

    Total Cost for this project is 80.02€

  • Update:
    just update on this project, i have added option to manage your heating from any internet connected device, i.e all you have to do is update your pihome version to latest and send me email and i'll send you api key back and you can manage your heating from http://www.pihome.eu/mypihome

    Ps: thanks to mysensors and all its contributors to shearing their work.

  • Plugin Developer

  • @alowhum love the safety "is there a gas leak" i m thinking to implement this as well but haven't came to agreement between 220v powered vs battery powered sensors, on same note my home heating is scheduled for ground floor and DHW but i want to have some exhaust fan to run for 10 to 15 minuts to re-fresh air on ground floor again its on my to do list.

    i have implemented zone max temperature, boiler max temperature and boiler hysteresis time (time between off and on again) but haven't implemented zone max run time or zone hysteresis time.

    some time adding extra feature/options to heating control may not suite everyone and it requires lots and lots of testing and time.

    Ps: i think all these commercially available options are way behind on options for domestic heating needs.

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