Send message for another node.
From sensor with ID 3 want to send message for scene controller ID 10.
Can't see if it possible?
May be possible add this way ?
not good enough explained first time.
I got Arduino SceneCtrl 13:3 and i can control it from this node.
And I want send the same command to the gateway
but from Node 10
You'll have to do two sends to archive this.
one from Node 10 to 13 with msgOn.setDestination(13);
and redirect message through 13 to gateway
am i understood right?
I am currently trying to send a message from one node to another, but am facing some trouble with it.
I have two nodes, both of them with Motion Sensors attached to them. I want one node to send a message
to the other node when there is motion detected. On the other node, the received message should be saved in a variable.
Looking through other posts I wasn't capable of finding an example I could modify for my purposes. I know there is this function for receiving messages:void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message)
but how do I continue? Also, how to send a message? Can you pls give me example code for that?