Posts made by Mrlynx
RE: Help with a project sending images
Maybe look at AI-thinker A6c module that has direct camera interface and sends pictures as MMS over GSM.
RE: Driveway Alarm / Vehicle detection
Maybe you could use an ultrasonic distance sensor to detect if anything is in its measuring range?
RE: MAX6675
If you are not going to use mysensors look at library example -
RE: MAX6675
example has to be converted to 2.x of mysensors.
To do so you need at least to add
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24
remove all gw.
please look at any 2.x example to see what have changed. -
RE: MAX6675
@Ezequiel-Torres I did just connect pin 3,4,5 and vcc,gnd to module and sensor to module. Look in example code for directions.
Example is made for mysensors 1.4 or 1.5 so may have to modify it a bit. -
RE: irlz44n not fully open using 3.3V Arduino
Many mosfet does not open fully on 3,3V. You have to check graph in datasheet when choosing mosfet.
You can pull gate high with a resistor to 12v and use a npn transistor to pull it low.
But that makes it default on. If sensor node fails all leds will be at 100%.
My ledmodule uses IRLR2905 and is powered by a 5v promini. -
RE: [SOLVED] upgraded to Mysensors 2.0.0
I am also in the same process of upgrading my sensors and have also seen this behavior (not finding parent node).
First I thought the radio was broken and changed radio. That got it going but the problem came back. Then I realised that problem comes from resetting the node and not turning power off completely. I had to disconnect my USB-serial adapter and power to make it work. -
RE: Meet in Malmö, Summer 2016?
I am also interested to participate if the meeting is is someday between 2-11 july as I am visiting skåne then.
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@jeti said:
@Nicola-Reina said:
Anybody wanting 10 kits at a bargain price. I am sellling them at bargain price due to lack of time to play with them.
If you are in Rome I can hand it over directly . If you are at EU maker faire this week end even better see you there.
Otherwise I ship them tooKR
Still got the 10Kits?
You can still buy these kits from my homepage.
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@smokey1300 My best tip is to remove led and regulator off the arduino. Then use 3xAA batteries connected to VCC on MYS.
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@smokey1300 I will pack them right away.
I have not found that a cap is making any difference on the radio modules I bought. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@NewFolk how are you powering your node and gateway?
battery, USB or wallwart?
Try changing powersource and see if it helps.
I have had som problem with nrf24L01+ clones that did not work well on highest powerlevels but worked better on RF_PA_HIGH. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
No I dont have a thread on the subject yet.
I have a prototype but it contains errors I have to correct before it is useful. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@activemind All headers are 2.54 mm and the screw terminals are 5.0 mm.
RE: Raspberry PI + MQTT (Mosquitto) + Serial Gateway
you have to install all dependensis with cpan -
RE: Raspberry PI + MQTT (Mosquitto) + Serial Gateway
I only changed sub publish to post both timestamp and message in a json message.$message = "{\"timestamp\":\"".gettime()."\",\"message\":\"$message\"}" ;
RE: Battery powered PIR
@m26872 I am looking at xc6206 and tc2117 that have a low quiescent current and a dropout of 50-100 mV at low currents.
RE: Battery powered PIR
What is downside to instead using 3xAA and a good LDO regulator with a modified sensor?
This way you dont get any ripple and dont need any step up booster. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
It all depends on what sensor or actuator you are going to connect.
I chose a basic assortment of resistors to get you started and be able to build all examples on
As this question have come up before am I going to write down some examples on -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@pboye look at under parts list.
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
MYS 1.1 pcb has now got a lower price.
If you by 5 or more boards the price is 2$ / board. -
RE: Raspberry PI + MQTT (Mosquitto) + Serial Gateway
Yes you found the right script.
I have made some minor changes to use json. -
RE: Raspberry PI + MQTT (Mosquitto) + Serial Gateway
I am using
with serial gateway -
RE: MySensored 230v motion sensor with light level
@korttoma have you tried using a ldr-resistor on an analog input?
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
Now the instruction page is update with some photos. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@Joey-Edelstein I will try to update the instruction with pictures as soon as possible.
RE: Dimmabe LED Actuator
A mosfet will allways add a voltagedrop and it is depending on current and its ON-resistance.
For my PWM-dimmer have I used when prototyping.
Now I have a PCB on its way from hong-kong and on that I will use
On my 12V ledstrips will I probably use a 16-18V supply and never run them on 100% dutycycle. -
RE: Another possible board - ATMega328, nRF socket, DHT22 socket, MOSFET, Uno pinout
Basic problem is small LDO regulators in SOT-23 is power dissipation. Even if they are specified to give 250 ma they only can do that on small Vdiff (Vin-Vout).
On this particular board that hosts a esp8266 socket you need at least 215 ma@3,3 V just for the esp.
That means using beefier regulator and I am thinking about using torex xc6210 for my next project. -
RE: Another possible board - ATMega328, nRF socket, DHT22 socket, MOSFET, Uno pinout
What regulator were the boards supplied with?
RE: Only first transmission comes through.
My problem seems to be the distance between node and gateway.
I have now built a repeater node and it seems to cure the problem.
Node and gateway is in different buildings and about 20m apart with near line of sight.
I have also ordered a ethernet shield and a PA+LNA 24L01+ module as I already have optofiber between the buildings. -
RE: Only first transmission comes through.
see log in previous post from sensor.
messages logged OK get through and messages logged fail doesnt reach gateway. -
Only first transmission comes through.
I have a problem with a temp sensor that only sends in values after first boot and all subsequent transmissions fails.
if I press reset then I get a all values first time but it fails after that first transmission.
Has anyone had the same problem and have a solution?
I have a feeling that the radio dosent wake up after sleep.sensor started, id 15
send: 15-15-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 15-15-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,st=ok:0
send: 15-15-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=25,st=ok:Dallas Temperature Sensor
send: 15-15-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.0
send: 15-15-0-0 s=0,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 15-15-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 15-15-0-0 s=2,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 15-15-0-0 s=3,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 15-15-0-0 s=4,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 15-15-0-0 s=5,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 15-15-0-0 s=6,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
requesting temps from bus
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:35.7
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:26.2
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=2,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:29.3
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=3,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:25.8
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=4,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:65.7
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=5,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:29.7
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=6,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:68.3requesting temps from bus
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:35.3
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:26.2
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=2,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:29.2
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=3,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:25.8
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=4,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:65.6
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=5,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:29.6
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=6,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:68.3
send: 15-15-255-255 s=255,c=3,t=7,pt=0,l=0,st=fail:requesting temps from bus
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:34.9
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:26.1
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=2,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:29.2
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=3,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:25.8
sending in value
send: 15-15-0-0 s=4,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:65.6
sensor529.62 -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
Extra cap should only be needed when using radio module with PA+LNA.
data suggest it has a peek current of 115 mA.
I have made a test with a 10uf cap and it looked like it made no difference on a standard radio module. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
Happy to hear that the boards work fine. Pictures of your completed sensors would be appreciated.
I recommend using at least one capasistor(C2) to get a stable voltage supply.
C1 is in parallell with a capasistor on the arduino but it should help filtering noise from power supply. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@ludoarchi Please try again.
I had edited the page to much last night. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
I now have 300 boards on my desk and have set up an online ordering system on my page
After a discussion with @hek have I also released the board files for mys 1.1 on my page. -
I have gotten a maxim MAX6675 board and a K-type thermocouple for measuring high temperatures working with mysensors and thought I would share my sketch.
board is off ebay
I have found a library written by ryan j mclaughlin on github
#include <MySensor.h> #include <MAX6675.h> #include <SPI.h> uint8_t CS0 = 4; // CS pin on MAX6675 uint8_t SO = 3; // SO pin of MAX6675 uint8_t SCLK = 5; // SCK pin of MAX6675 uint8_t units = 1; // Units to readout temp (0 = ˚F, 1 = ˚C) float temperature = 0.0; // Temperature output variable float lastTemperature; unsigned long SLEEP_TIME = 30000; boolean metric = true; MySensor gw; MyMessage msg(0,V_TEMP); // Initialize the MAX6675 Library for our chip MAX6675 temp0(CS0,SO,SCLK,units); void setup() { // Startup and initialize MySensors library. Set callback for incoming messages. gw.begin(); // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller gw.sendSketchInfo("Max6675 Temperature Sensor", "1.0"); // Present all sensors to controller gw.present(0, S_TEMP); Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { // Process incoming messages (like config from server) gw.process(); temperature = temp0.read_temp(); // Read the temp if(temperature == -1) { // If there is an error with the TC, temperature will be -1 Serial.println("Thermocouple Error!!"); // Temperature is -1 and there is a thermocouple error } else { Serial.print("Current Temperature: "); Serial.println( temperature ); // Print the temperature to Serial if (temperature!=lastTemperature) gw.send(msg.setSensor(0).set(temperature,1)); lastTemperature=temperature; } gw.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); }
RE: INA219 DC Current Sensor
I have some ACS712 current sensors on order.
They are easy to use as they give a voltage that corresponds to the current flowing through it.
I am planning to use them to measure current in my LED pwm-dimmer.
I am going to power them with old laptop charger ~18V and limit current depending on length of led-strip. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
Yes when I stop providing the boards. After that am I going to release it as open hardware.
For now am I selling the boards and the money I making on them are spent on developing new boards. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
I have ordered 300 more boards yesterday.
As soon as they arrive I hope to have my online ordering page ready.
I also going to sell the boards without components for you that want to source components yourself or are soldering everything directly on board without sockets.
Stay tuned. -
RE: PCB design and production
@Vodden how large is your enclosure?
I am working on a daughterboard for my mys1.1 with 4 channels of pwm and current measuring on each channel.
each board is 50x50 mm stacked on top of each other. -
RE: [SOLVED] Problems with Ethernet Gateway (Arduino Ethernet Shield)
Is it possible to use soft SPI for ethernet module and keep the original wiring for radio module?
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
I am soon out of boards to sell. Only got about 15 boards left.
ping @twisted if you still need boards please read your pm.
Because of that have I started ordering components for another batch of boards.
I have also started developing a LED pwm daugtherboard for easy dimming of led strips.
More info on that when first prototype is ready. -
RE: Power pulse meter inside fuse box cabinet
you could call an electrician an install a fuse and poweroutlet to the left of the main switch.
underneath there should be a din rail.
Only the antenna needs to be outside of the cabinet. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@bjornhallberg yes I am using 0805 component as they seem to be easiest to source and you can still solder them by hand.
I can recomend getting a sortiment kit from ebay with resistors and capasitors for ~10-15$ for experimenting.
In my kit there is only some basic values resistors included 1K, 4,7K and 10K. When using the ADC other values may be needed for dividing input voltages. Maybe that I will add 100K to next batch of kits.
What is people complaining about eagle library files? -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@ServiceXp look at this tutorial
RE: Where to order custom PCBs
I am using itead for making boards. 10$ + shipping 4 $ for 10 boards is good value.
I still have some of my boards left if you are interested? -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@henno Hi and thanks for the feedback.
I am allways interested if anyone see anything that is unclear or needs improvement. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
I am packing kits tonight and have decided that if you buy 5 kits you get them for 6$ each.
I will contact all who have shown interest in my kits within the next days. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
assembly instruction: . All components has arrived and I am going to start packaging some kits.
Then I will send PM to you who have shown interest in this thread previously with info on how to order some kits. I will limit the order to maximum 5 pcs per person on this first batch. -
RE: Errors compiling EthernetGateway with <UIPEternet.h>
I had the same problem compiling with enc28J60 and lib 1.4.
I solved it by download the latest version of UIPEthernet from github. -
RE: Radio problems
Arduino nano makes its 3,3V from the ft232RL chip. According to its specs it can give 50 ma maximum current.
NRF24L01+PA+LNA can use up to 115 ma in tx.
I think that to use a NRF24L01+PA+LNA on a nano requires a separate LDO 5->3,3V regulator. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
The boards has arrived but not all components.
First of all am I going to test some boards myself to see that they are working as expected.
My biggest problem now is that all my tools is packed away because a painter is repainting the whole apartment.
He will be finished next week so I can start unpacking my stuff back into my office.
I have written an assembly instruction that I am going to publish soon.
@hhg your interest is noted. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@Dennis-van-Velzen I am not planning to stock radios or arduinos as they are easy to source from internet.
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@C4Vette I am not taking any preorders but they who has shown interest are going to be first in line when they are ready.
More info will come later. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@Dvbit this board can be batterypowered but it has no step up module.
I am not planning any special battery version at the moment. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@ServiceXp it depends on how soon I get all the components but maybe 4-5 weeks.
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@ServiceXp Yes I am planning to try to sell these boards as a kit for 7$/kit.
It is going to be a diy kit with all components except 24LCxxx eeprom, radio and arduino pro mini. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
Here is the final schematic on version 1.1 mys11.pdf.
I now have all components and boards for 100 kits on order. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
No I have not tested it yet.
I have just followed this exampel -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
I have now added a SPI-header (SCK/MOSI/MISO) and a smd footprint for a 24LCXXX flash memory.
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
I have thought about the spi channel but I cant really understand why the ethernet gateway sketch uses different CE/CS pins for the radio.
Why cant the radio use pin 9/10 and the ethernet shield 5/6?
Maybe @hek can shed som light on the matter? -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
I have now added SDA/SCL(A4/A5) to MYS 1.1
Is there any more ideas to be added before I send it for production? -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
Only problem is SDA and SCL are located on separate pins on top of the pro mini module and not in the normal row of pins. (A4-A5)
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
I have updated the layout and added caps to the voltage dividers.
I am now going to order components for a batch of 100 boards.
what pull-up resistors and voltagedividers do you need?
I think that I will supply the kit with some 1K, 4,7k and 10K.
The price for a kit will probably be 7$ + shipping. Just add an Arduino pro mini, radio and sensor to make it a node.
@djdworks and @p0lar are first in line when they are ready.
@jendrush nice work. -
RE: trouble in ENC28J60 GW
When the sensor with relays starts it will request its previous state from controller. (1;3;2;2;)
You have to respond with 1;3;1;2;0; or 1;3;1;2;1; for each of the realys. -
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
The internal pullups is about 50K but for 1-wire and humidity you need a 4,7K ohm resistor.
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
The external pullups are for humidity sensor and 1-wire.
Yes there is a power plane and a ground plane under the radio. -
My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
Original thread got lost in the forumcrash.
I have made a sensorboard that is under testing.
socket for arduino pro mini 5v/3,3V
socket for radio
3,3v regulator
4 AD input with voltage dividers
7 gpio availble with pullups on all pins
I have som small mods left to do in the voltage dividers.
Is there any interest in boards or kits (board + components) for just a few dollars?