[Solved] Easy PCB - current when sleeping
Easy/Newbie PCB for MySensors
I'm building a gas meter sensor with easy pcb, with 3.3v / 8mhz arduino pro mini, a rfm69w (with an nrf2rfm adapter).
I remove led and voltage regulator on the arduino board.
The easy pcb is configured with battery booster and voltage divider (1mohm and 470kohm).
I use internal pullup to get read sensor of the gas meter (pin 3 used with interrupt)Everything is working fine, but when sleeping, my multimeter said 400uA.
In the main time, I have this board from aliexpress, and with the same sketch use 40uA (ten times less), with a voltage regulator included and 16mhz clock
https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/33006101437.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1424881cHzQI0F&algo_pvid=16f38802-af52-43e2-a2d1-7e3c2a84733f&algo_expid=16f38802-af52-43e2-a2d1-7e3c2a84733f-0&btsid=2100bb5116098762728804034e5d33&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_Is it normal ? Is it Arduino pro mini that consume much more than the development board? is there a special way to investigate it ?
Thank you for your ideas and advice.
You can try with the bear minimum, only the pro mini and the rfm69w feeded directly by 2x 1.5V AA batteries.
A booster and a voltage divider will consume power...See https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/4796/battery-powered-sensors/243
My minimum with a pro mini and a rfm69HW was 133µASee also https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/11499/checking-mechanical-locked-doors-by-a-battery-based-windows-door-sensor-node?_=1609880916266
To minimize the current with a closed contact, I did not use the internal pull-up resistor of the 329P (internal pullup resistor value around 30KOhm), but an external 1M ohm resistor. With closed contact and deep sleep, I have now around 136µA.See also at the end of the topic in the section 'references', you will find plenty of other topics related to current consumption and sleeping.
Thank you for your answer
I'm trying to compare with only pro mini and rfm69 on a test plate, and 2 AA batteries. I have strange result, and i'm doubting about my multimeter.
I'll continue testing and will tell you