Multiple mqtt gateways via nrlf24l01 secure/unsecure
If possible what would be required to se up two separate mysensors gateways?
I want to have two seperate networks- One using the full security and signing for some security crital equipment.
-A second to be unsecure for non security critical components allowing quick easy setup of these nodes
I will use the mqtt gateway or (ethernet gateway if the openhab binding become functional again ) and the nrlf24l01 radios on an arduino
- One using the full security and signing for some security crital equipment.
Yes it is possible, as long as you use different channels for the communication so the gateways won't be confused. I have two gateways running also (I am using static node IDs), one with nrf24 and the other one with rfm69.
Hi Thanks for the reply!
If I used only nrf24l01 radios, (as I have plenty laying around) if I defined a different channel (and node Id) for the second network. Would this prevent confusion between the two networks rather then using a different radio type (rfm69)?
- @def MY_RF24_CHANNEL
- @brief RF channel for the sensor net, 0-125.
- Frequence: 2400 Mhz - 2525 Mhz Channels: 126
- 0 => 2400 Mhz (RF24 channel 1)
- 1 => 2401 Mhz (RF24 channel 2)
- 76 => 2476 Mhz (RF24 channel 77)
- 83 => 2483 Mhz (RF24 channel 84)
- 124 => 2524 Mhz (RF24 channel 125)
- 125 => 2525 Mhz (RF24 channel 126)
- In some countries there might be limitations, in Germany for example only the range 2400,0 - 2483,5 Mhz is allowed
#ifndef MY_RF24_CHANNEL
#define MY_RF24_CHANNEL 76
@Yoshu yes, different channel is sufficient. Maybe a few channels away from the default/other network to avoid crosstalk.
No need to use different nodeID.
@mfalkvidd Cheers! This project will keep me occupied for my 2 week hotel isolation stay.