Stand Alone Ethernet Gateway?

  • I was unable to find an answer to this anywhere.
    I do not really want to keep a laptop on 24/7 just for Domoticz to keep logging/control of mysensors.
    Will the ethernet gateway operate as a stand alone device connected into my ISP router, so I can then access it as needed with my laptop or smartphone?

  • Admin

    I guess you could connect to it when needed. But as you might understand it won't cache any sensor data.

  • Thank you for your swift reply, sorry but are you saying that the Gateway will operate stand alone.
    Can you explain what will not cache sensor data, the gateway? (which would not be a requirment as sensor readings would be logged by Domonicz).

  • Admin

    Yes it will act as a standalone gateway to nothing. And route messages between sensor.

  • Thank you for your reply, what do you mean by gateway to nothing, surely it would be gateway to Domoticz server would it not?

  • Admin

    @kayedee said:

    I do not really want to keep a laptop on 24/7 just for Domoticz to keep logging/control of mysensors.

    Ok, maybe I misinterpreted this.

  • So now do you understand my application, I am now confused by your replies, can you reaffirm a detailed answer please.

  • If you run Domoticz on laptop and you want to get 'logs/sensors' without running Domoticz - it won't work.
    Only MySensors network will work, but data from it won't be sent anywhere except nodes.

  • @andriej
    Thank you for your reply.
    I have misunderstood, so Domotics is a pc app and does not run in the cloud, are there any controllers that do or are they all pc based.

  • Admin

    Vera is a router-like device running the controller part.

    Many open source controllers can also run on very low power hardware such as Raspberry Pi. One example is Pi Dome. So you really don't have to have a PC running 24/7.

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