How does MySensors work?

  • It might sound a noob question but I have been trying to figure it out.
    What I am trying to do?

    • I am trying to build a NRF24L01 based sensor network around my house.

    My doubts:

    • Will my SerialGateway automatically start receiving information from all the sensor nodes?

    • How do I know when to place a repeaterNode?

    • Can I build my own controller(hardware+cloud), what would be the best way to start it?

    • In what format does SerialGateway send information to controller?

    • Can controller and gateway be built as one device? If not, then why?

    I am more of Web Dev/Software background, so please help me out. Thanks.

  • Mod

    1. Depends on the controller
    2. When no data is received the sensor is too far away
    3. You can build your own controller, you are the best to judge if that is the way you want to go
    4. Text or encrypted text
    5. Probably when you use the Raspberry otherwise no.

    All this stuff is discussed on the forum and on the main website so imho it is best to invest some time to read and look around.

  • Thanks for replying.
    Could you point me towards some tutorials that I could follow? For building my own controller.
    I am trying to host my controller(openHAB or Pidome) on a VPS, how to make it communicate with my gateway.

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