Maximum number of nodes to communicate with

  • Hi,

    Just wondering, how many nodes are able to talk to each other? in my setup I use a gateway, some repeaters and some sensor-nodes. In the maniac-bug libraries a node (i.e. a repeater) could only talk to 6 other nodes if I'm not mistaken. Is this limitation still in the mysensors libraries?

    BTW, for all my nodes (incl. the repeaters) I define the node_Id and parent_ID in the sketch. The nodes (and attached sensors) are used for datalogging purposes only. serial-gateway communicates with the datalogger, written in LabView.



  • Contest Winner

    Check this out...

    It looks like a lot!

  • A MySensor radio network can consist of up to 254 different radio nodes and each radio node can report data for 254 attached child sensors. This means that you can, in theory, manage data for up to 64516 sensors in a single radio network. If this isn't enough, you can create another parallel radio network on a different channel and there are 126 available channels.

  • @ericvdb and @BulldogLowell:

    Thanks for the replies. I have read this section you're both referring to before (I should have cut-pasted / hyperlinked the section in), but unfortunately it doesn't answer my question. If you take a closer look at the picture following the link you'll see no more than 6 individual "connections" with the gateway. That triggered me to drop this question.
    Maybe the question would have been more clear if I would have asked if 254 nodes could communicate directly with the gateway (parentID = 0), so without the use of repeaters. I take in mind that these nodes should be within the physical range to communicate directly with the gateway.

    I think I'll have to try. As soon as I have the answer I'll post it :-). If anyone knows, I'd appreciate the answer.



  • Contest Winner

    @boozz said:

    If you take a closer look at the picture following the link you'll see no more than 6 individual "connections" with the gateway.

    where does it say "no more than 6" on that page?

    My gateway has 14 connections, a few nodes bounce around from parent to parent

    Just how big do you plan on going?

  • @BulldogLowell

    It doesn't say "no more than 6", but the picture shows no more than six. From that I derived that the maximum number of nodes could be limited 6. With the information I got in the past (Maniac bug) I assumed it could be the limit and I was hoping for an answer. The information I got so far could be interpreted in more than one way.

    The second part of your answer is more helpful, thanks! 14 connections is more than 6, so it must be possible. No need for testing anymore 🙂 👍



  • Contest Winner


    glad to see you got your head around it.

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