combine repeater and sensor type

  • Hi all

    Quick Q: I currently have about 5 sensors in my house. Now, the current (5th) sensor seems to be working fine, but it sits at the furthest location from my gateway. I was wondering, can I combine both the repeater and sensor functionality? This sensor serves as a tempHum gateway and would be great if it could also act as a repeater.

    Kind regards

  • Admin


    It's doable, but you can not run it from batteries, as it would drain them in a short time, because a repeater node can't go to sleepmode.

    to make a node act as a repeater, you have to use the following to initialize your mysensors library:

    gw.begin(NULL, AUTO, true)

    It's described in "details" here

  • Hi,
    I have a similar problem and would like to use an already existing node as a repeater. It does not run from battery, so no problem here.

    But I have incoming messages which this node needs to react on. In the code, I check if the incoming message has a child id known by this node. If not, nothing happens. In addition, I am using static node IDs.

    So, instead of

    gw.begin(NULL,  AUTO, true)

    my current initialisation is

    gw.begin(incomingMsg, MY_NODEID, false)

    because it currently does not act as a repeater.


    gw.begin(incomingMsg, MY_NODEID, true)

    turn this node into a working repeater ?

    Most of the time this node is idle. Every five minutes it reads temperature and humidity and sends it off to the controller. A few times per day it turns some switch on or off. My guess is that the additional workload for repeating messages would not be too high.

    Thank you very much for your input.

  • Admin

    @joshmosh said:


    gw.begin(incomingMsg, MY_NODEID, true)
    turn this node into a working repeater ?

    Yes, this enables the repeater feature.

  • @hek said:

    @joshmosh said:


    gw.begin(incomingMsg, MY_NODEID, true)
    turn this node into a working repeater ?

    Yes, this enables the repeater feature.
    OK,thank you. This will save me an additional node..

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