ethernet gateway see nodes from other serial gateway

  • hi everybody
    i run domoticz with 7 DHT sensor nodes ,2 binary button nodes and 1 water pressure node with no problems for now (there were, but solved..).
    yesterday i've built an ethernet gateway using funduino and w5100 shield, made the softspi fix and nrf wiring according to the manual at the site, checked it's responding in domoticz logs and installed it along with last 2 dht sensor nodes.

    today i saw that the 2 sensors didnt respond from the morning. i pinged the E-GW and it responded( the ip is reserved at the dhcp server so im sure it is working and not other pc) i checked the power for both sensors and they are working.
    than i saw something strange in domoticz hardware tab - my new E-GW shows nodes far away from it - when the closest one is about 230 meters away (air distance with lot of obstacles on the way)
    moreover, when i enter the E-GW screen inside the hardware tab to see the list of nodes i see many node which are already showing in the serial-GW screen (screenshots attached). on the E-GW there cloned nodes - two nodes with same node number. and many o the nodes from the S-GW shows "unknown " in their sketch name.
    almost all of my nodes use nrf+sma antenna except S-GW and 2-3 DHT nodes, but still the E-GW shouldnt so many nodes only through it radios

    i think there is some bug that allows the E-GW to recieve data from the S-GW nodes.

    screensnhot of ethernet gateway showing 13 nodes (supposed to show only 2...)

    0_1456397242444_צילום מסך EGW לא תקין.png

    screenshot of Serial gateway showing its nearby nodes:

    0_1456397401590_צילום מסך NRF GW תקין.png

    there is another strange point: in the hardware tab the library version of the E-GW shows ? while the S-GW shows 1.5.1 normally.

  • Plugin Developer



    Did you use the same radio channel for the ethernet gateway as for the serial gateway? If you did, it's possible that some nodes are jumping between gateways, I think. You should reserve one radio channel per gateway. You can set this in MyConfig.h for release 1.5. Don't remember if it's the same place for dev branch.

  • @martinhjelmare
    yes they use the same radio channel.
    well i thought of this as a solution, but it sounded strange to me that the signal goes so much distance..
    also, the E-GW shows twin rows per node and without skethc names.
    maybe i'll delete the E-GW, change channel and give it a try, although i do wish to solve it without channel changing because it will make me a headache to remember everytime to adjust the correct channel for each GW zone, because i plan to add several nodes to each GW zone. if it was inside the sketch it would be easier...

    thanks anyway

  • Plugin Developer


    On the dev branch I think it's possible to override this setting in the sketch.

    If you're using git, and want to stay on a release, you could create one branch per gateway and have different channels in the different gateway branches. That way you don't have to remember the channel. Just switch to the correct branch before you compile.

  • @martinhjelmare
    im sorry but i didnt understand what your'e saying.
    what is dev branch? i just downloaded the library zip file from and used it.
    and what is using git? you mean to sign up for github site?
    if you can explain me your method i would be highly apperciate it.

  • Plugin Developer


    Git is a distributed version control software. Github is a hosting site for remote git repositories. The mysensors source code is hosted at a repository at github. When you downloaded the release from the zip-file was generated at github.

    Another way of getting the source code is by cloning the mysensors github repository using git. You can then "checkout" the different available branches or tags/releases, using git. You can also create your own new branches based off of existing branches. They are called branches cause the git model of revision control for a source repo(sitory) can be visualized like a tree, where each new commit or change extends the tree and the branch where it is made. The tree can have multiple branches. The first branch, the base or root branch, is often called master.

    The current development of the mysensors source code is done in a branch called development, (dev). If you want to test the latest new features, you can fetch that branch from github using git, or download that zip-file.

    If you're interested in git and github, I suggest going to github and reading their faq/help and also take the lesson at Of course there's lots of information on the internet about these topics.

  • well, i've got lost with this git thingie.

    i'll just edit the channel inside myconfig.h with the correct channel everytime i upload a sketch according to the gateway it will connect to.

    thanks a lot anyway

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