Does anyone have any active buzzers in stock that they could get me the pin pitch on. If you also have the source of the buzzers that would be fantastic. I can grab some off of aliexpress at a nice cheap price however, i have no documentation on these things. The only spec that I need is the recommended land pattern of the device. From all of the ones on i'm seeing that most of them are 5mm spacing, however i would like someone to confirm this with their own stock.
I have some of these at home
Can check their pitch in about 12 hours if no-one else has pitched in by then.
@mfalkvidd, that will be awesome. Thank you. They actually look like a better choice thanks to their price point.
First buzzer
inner distance between legs 7.12mm
outer distance between legs 8.35mm
leg diameter 0.61mm=> distance cc (7.12+8.35)/2= 7.74mm
Second buzzer:
inner distance between legs 7.03mm
outer distance between legs 8.25mm
leg diameter 0.63
=> distance cc (7.03+8.25)/2= 7.64mmThe legs are quite flexible so it is possible to bend them a bit if necessary.
I measured as close to the base as I could.
@mfalkvidd Perfect! I will get some ordered now.
Thank you for your help!
You're welcome
Note: I added a second set of measurements. Seems there is some variation in the manufacturing process.
@mfalkvidd said:
You're welcome
Note: I added a second set of measurements. Seems there is som variation in the manufacturing process.
I just noticed those. I will put the pin pitch at around the 7.7mm mark to allow for variation either side and can bend them as needed.