@tiana I have not used it, but it is possible to create different revisions. See https://www.openhardware.io/view/4/EasyNewbie-PCB-for-MySensors#tabs-revisions as an example.
@epierre said:
Both need protection (internal or external) from excessive discharge (or excessive charge, and short circuits etc)
That is where our new library to check battery level goes in, we could dream to have an internal mysensor security check of a LiPo battery ! they do so in 'copters
I may pass on that. I'm not used to software glitches having quite so much potential impact, and I don't need to save every gram. But to each their own!
I recently build successfully a mysensor node based on an Arduino Uno, a Robolink IR sensor and a Robolink DHT11 sensor. The last two from an Elektor sensor kit ever bought for my son when he was still interested by electronics .
My controller is Home Assistant, so I did a merge of the given MySensors example sketch and the Home Assistant example sketch together with the DHT11 sketch.
The airco is a Samsung one, so in the sketch you will find these defines uncommented. Replace by your airco manufacturer.
People interested in building one, can find my sketch on https://github.com/ericvb/MySensorsArduinoSketches
@ToniA a big thanks for the work to decode all these IR sequences!