The basics of MySensors?
I have a question regarding the API to access the sensor nRF24L01.
What happened to the function RF24_openReadingPipe?
It used to be part of the API.
Has it removed because it is obsolete.
What it is the right way to read data from a pipe?
@marex I don't believe MySensors has had such a function. Sounds way too nrf24-specific, MySensors abstracts away the transport. Where did you find it?
I connected my NodeMCU to a nRF24L01 as explained at don´t know how to listen to messages from a pipe.
The corresponding NR24 API for Arduino supports the function openReadingPipe:
@marex Sending and receiving messages with MySensors is described at and
The low-level functions of the different transports are not part of MySensors. Why do you want to use them directly?
@mfalkvidd I´m just looking for an easy way of receiving temperature data transmitted by 3 Arduino Nano connected to a NRF24.
I´d like to use a NodeMCU connected to a NRF24 to receive the temperature data from the 3 Arduino Nano and make them available over WifI to my cell phone. Can I use the mysensor library to receive data transmitted using a different library ( Can it work in principle? Or should the transmitter use the mysensor library too?
@marex you could probably build something that decodes MySensors if you want to, but that would essentially be re-implementing MySensors. It could be a fun challenge, if you are into that sort of thing.
But if you just want to get things working, load the ESP8266 gateway sketch on your ESP8266/NodeMCU and use the temperature example on your Nanos.
That would work for a local temperature sensor connected directly to the NodeMcu.
What I would like to achieve is different. I would like to use a NodeMcu as gateway.
It should be able to receive data from different sensors in my house.
For the radio communication I´d like to use an inexpensive NRF24 transceiver.
@marex then what I linked to is exactly what you want.
@mfalkvidd I actually use a different kind of temperature/humidity sensor. I will adjust the Arduino sketch and try. Thanks a lot.
Discussion continued at (couldn't figure out how to fork such a long discussion into just one topic, the forum software doesn't seem to handle that. Sorry.)