What options are there for wireless wifi power-plugs with energy-monitoring?
I am looking for any way to monitor washing mashines, dish washers and other things using their use of energy. I know there are some (expensive) wallplugs from fibaro. But then I will also have to buy some sort of z-wave dongle I guess.
Are there any other pre made options.
@Cliff-Karlsson neo coolcam has a cheaper version (if you order directly in china) which is also using zwave.
Sonoff pow seems interesting (wifi) and cheap, but they don't carry a wall plug version.
I'm using one of these : http://uk.tp-link.com/products/details/cat-5258_HS110.html
I've written a Python script to read this in Domoticz (not MySensors though).
Great, I just found the same unit right before your post. Seams to be the best option right now.