Domoticz with DIY "razberry" card

  • hello. like o wrote before my veralite dies after 4 years of work.
    So now i'm on Domoticz.For the dead vera lite i recover the z-wave part. i had some doubts that it works but i have seen n razberry cards that the hardware its the same,so why not try.
    I just cutted the 4 layers pcb and solder 4 wires on zm3102 chip directly(tx,rc,vcc and gnd). some hot glue and some nail polish /or epoxy to seal cutted sides.There are no working leds but how cares. and yea.I have an external antena 🙂 . Everything fits inside vera case aswell(recycling on the best),raspbery,zwave card and mysensors GW.
    in beginning domoticz didn't detect it like in official zwave cards ,there are some procedures to make before,but soon as setup button gets blue ,was just reset or exclude and then include nodes again on Domoticz. until now (24hours later) everything still work like a charm ,And let me say Domoticz is far more complete than mios os.

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