💬 RFM69(H)W Arduino Mini Pro Shield v2
I really like this design and looking forward to the final working product. I am interested in this for a project where I need to place multiple temp/humidity sensors in multiple containers and I am looking to design and 3D print a small case that would hold an 18650 battery, Arduino pro mini, RFM69, and temp sensor.
has this ever be tested ? Just ordered some boards and noticed that VCC of the PCB is wired to DIO5 instead of 3.3V of the RFM69HW module.
@jlaraujo, I'm searching a more reliable way to connect the RFM69HW module to the Pro Mini.
I'm aware that this project is already 2 years old.
You didn't answer to the question of user @salfare, maybe you didn't see his question?I'm very limited in height for what I'm trying to build, what is the height of the two stacked?
I have tested this board and @salfare observation was right. I had to add a wire to VCC in order to make it work. Just to be sure, I have also cut the connection to DIO5.
The result is a very compact board.
Hi @electrik,
Maybe you can answer my question: What is the height of the two stacked together?
Like said, I'm very limited in height, so I did not take the risk to order this board (yet)...
Here the picture of the assembled board. The top board is a temperature sensor so not necessarily needed.
Does anybody have a link to a fixed version of this board? It's exactly what I am looking for form-wise, but I'd be nice if VCC was wired to 3.3v out of the box. Thanks!!
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