Sure, there is already the KiCAD file including everything to play around with on your own; added a picture of the schematic here for a quick glance without downloading.
There are also other solutions that have I2C bus pins on the shield and if you are going to make a battery powered node, I'd suggest to use an I2C sensor as it will be much more battery friendly
Hi, not sure if @Floca get his nodes working, but for me, the problem got fixed with this
as mentioned by @mfalkvidd Thanks!
Does anybody have a link to a fixed version of this board? It's exactly what I am looking for form-wise, but I'd be nice if VCC was wired to 3.3v out of the box. Thanks!!
High sensitivity: down to -148 dBm.
From the datasheet. There probably needs to be some margin, but my experience with Sigfox shows that -130 is quite reliable. After that, packets start go missing. I would guess LoRa is similar.