@A3V such a feature would definitely make sense now that gateways can have local sensors. But no-one has added it unfortunately.
A solution could be to use the code at https://github.com/mysensors/MySensors/blob/2e00bf6a10f76d6aaa1999e12313237bc3edabd3/core/MyTransport.cpp#L446 as inspiration and do something similar at https://github.com/mysensors/MySensors/blob/2e00bf6a10f76d6aaa1999e12313237bc3edabd3/core/MyGatewayTransportEthernet.cpp#L175
thx for reply
yes dragino HE works like yun I think.
for linkit as the product seems new, there is a little bit less docs. but I will see, price was so interesting that it was too much tempting lol.
I will tell you what I can get...
for fun, I have not presented yet, but I have a board in progress for raildin : 8x relays + 8inputs for yun and I added ethernet connector+hub usb chip
Orange Pi is a controller and not a gateway. If you are suggesting you want to use the 5v adapter to power both controller and gateway I can not answer you. It might work but in the same time it might be to weak or to much interference. Try! If you get alof of random freezes and/or bad network communication you might want to seperate them
It might work - but using the nrf24l01+ amplified requiers some more juice than then pro mini/uno/nano can handle so I suggest using a power in with a good voltage regulator (that can provide high current) and then split of to each unit.
@micah said:
@sundberg84 said:
Hard to say. St:fail generally means that you don't get ack from the receiver. This is normally range, power or hardware. There is not a general fix for this but you need to try and learn... i admit its strange I worked for some days. Maybe a radio fried ?
Don't have the radios to close to eachother. Try a.couple of meters.
Sorry I'm out of more solid ideas.
Hey sundberg84, quick question for you.
If you look at my debug logs above it looks like the gateway is infact receiving the message but the node thinks it fails. Con you confirm my interpretation of the following two lines?
send: 42-42-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=fail:20.0
0;255;3;0;9;read: 42-42-0 s=1,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,sg=0:20.0
If that's correct, could that change what the issue might be?
Yes, I saw that - it seems to work one way but the ack (return) does not reach back. So its on the edge.
But this should update the value in your controller.
@brettzky84 said:
Im using the serial gateway on u17 and have it working fine. i have the same problem as you when my vera is rebooted or powered off, but found 2 solutions. 1 with the vera on disconnect then reconnect the serial gateway. wait 10seconds refresh the dashboard page. Then go to app/ developer apps/ serial connection. Reset your baud rate to 115200??...
Thansk. I ended up upgrading to the latst UI7 beta. My gateway is now working!!! Let's see how stable it is.
(UI7 has fixed some of my other issue too)
@tbowmo more out of curiosity, and from someone that just got started on electronics, so please sorry if this sounds like very noob, but, would it not be safer to plug the V_TARGET LED to the +3.3v pin? How do you ensure that the resistor on the V_TARGET will have constant voltage and that will not blow from over voltage if the VCCio pin is depended on the the Motherboard power?
Thank You and nice work