@Westie That feature can also be used with the Arduino Nano, or any other ATmega328P-based board.
I had NRF24 + RFM69 running for a couple of days using a Nano as an Ethernet MQTT gateway and it worked fine as far as I remember.
@canossa Sorry for the late response.
yeah, since is so compact and you can get it for relatively cheap I opted in for the NRF52.
For home automation, I merged MySensors with Domoticz and it works for months now.
Thanks for your quick reply!
The solution was indeed to put the ./configure parameters on the same line; I also changed to a serial gateway which is now correctly recognized in Domoticz.
I did not need to change any pin definitions (yet).
Yeah, the two capacitors clearly shown are indeed not very effective for the radio module, there is however another capacitor directly soldered to the radio, which is a bit hidden in the picture.
Thanks again for your help!
I modified MyConfig.h file and RFM69 driver to allow you build gateway (ethernet or MQTT) with W5100 ethernet and RFM69 radio modules using SoftSPI bus. You can find it at: https://github.com/gieemek/RFM69_softSPI-for-MySensors-2.1.1