WebThings gateway and Domoticz

  • I entered another question/issue I have here also but I guess I'm wondering, can I run Domoticz and WebThings at the same time both connected to the same mysensors gateway? I currently am trying to do that and maybe that's my problem.

  • Mod

    I don't have experience with webthings, but two controllers usually do not work together. But it depends a bit on how you use and configure the controllers.

  • @mfalkvidd I did see some talk in the 'Vera' section about it and it 'sounds' like it would work if you have this set to more than one and I do have it set to six: #define MY_GATEWAY_MAX_CLIENTS 6 ---- After thinking about it and posting this I did shut down domoticz and tried it with the same results (as I have in my other post) so I guess that is not my issue.

  • Plugin Developer

    If you are using a serial gateway, then no, you cannot. The serial messages can only go to one place, so one of the two controllers will win. It might get mixed up - some messages to one, some to the other.

    I don't know about the other two types of gateway.

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