I've been able to get MySensors working with HomeGenie using the MQTT gateway. It doesn't have two-way communication or software-based pairing yet, but I'll work on those in the future.
for everyone who reads all of this, forget about the last few posts.
I don't know why it works even when the Interrups are masked out on the radio, but it works now.
The error I had occured because of the config of the OrangePi-Gateway.
I removed:
--extra-cxxflags="-DMY_RF24_DATARATE=\(RF24_250KBPS\) -DMY_RF24_BASE_RADIO_ID=\(0x00,0xFC,0xE1,0xA8,0xA8\) -DMY_DEBUG_VERBOSE_RF24"
and wrote:
--extra-cxxflags="-DMY_RF24_DATARATE=\(RF24_250KBPS\) -DMY_DEBUG_VERBOSE_RF24"
Now I think I have an working OrangePi-Gateway without signing but with interrupt enabled.
If there are new problems I will come back here.
The next step for me is to activate signing again and bring the node into homeassistant.
@evb Still haven't had a chance to look at your PR, sorry.
Yes, the database tends to grow I have about 80MB after a year of use. Just added a function to delete all messages older than, say, a year.
After more investigations I believe the problem is caused by a mqtt server connection timeout.
By default the gateway tries to send the radio message 5 times. If I lower the number of retries , 2 for example, no more loop. Probably now much more then 25 messages cause a loop.
For testing I added _MQTT_client.loop() in transportSendWrite() (MyTransport.cpp) and, no more loop with default 5 retries.
Never mind figured it out.
There was a problem somewhere in that sketch. basically started from scratch again. merged the W5100 MQTT client gateway sketch and the relay sketch. then referred to here for serial MQTT syntax.
Hope anyone else thats struggling finds this info useful.