I've been able to get MySensors working with HomeGenie using the MQTT gateway. It doesn't have two-way communication or software-based pairing yet, but I'll work on those in the future.
@kunall the best recommendation against openhab for me was ugly interface and problems with running it (java). I was using domoticz since early version with own interface on arduino,now I've switched everything for MySensors.
It still lacks some functions but Inwait for further development as even programmers of domoticz start to use MyS hardware
Actually, it's not 100% MySensors-related, but I have a working setup consisting of iBeacon (either HM10-based or PI-based) and Beecon app.
When Beecon senses the iBeacon it can trigger various actions, eg make http requests or call IFTTT recipes
Ive started out with openHAB2. I was using a Ethernet gateway and tested the mysensors binding but found the combo was too limited. I much prefer having the MQTT gateway and the data be accessible to anything that subscribes, although I also now use openHAB to republish its item changes to MQTT as well which is probably a better approach.
I don't think the main new features in version 2 are very mature at the moment as well, discovered things for example get put in to a non human readable database and the web ui's are not fully functional.
With that being said I'm using node red to provide node ID's and configuring items manually and since beta3 it's been solid as a rock.