Best intro to electronics books

  • Hero Member

    What's your favorite intro to electronics book?

    Yesterday I was researching a rather arcane electronic circuit when, by sheer unintentional luck I downloaded a full copy of the 3rd edition of "The Art of Electronics" book. What an interesting find! If Jean-Claude Wippler at Jeelabs were to write a general introduction to electronics, then it would/might/probably/possibly look something like this book. The 3rd edition was printed in 2015, so it's actually pretty up to date. Nonetheless, It has whetted my appetite for the 4th edition, which is due in print sometime in January, 2020.

  • Banned

    That is sound interesting.

  • Admin

    Can't remember if there where any specific books.. Probably some magazines like elector electronics in the 80's. There where a couple of danish magazines back in the 80's, that I read at the public library (I'm turning 46 in a couple of weeks).

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