Anyone here tried Wio Terminal?

  • Hero Member

    For $29, it's an interesting convenience, in part because it comes with a built-in screen, a cursor controller, Bluetooth, Wifi, and a bevy of built-in sensors, as well as Grove connectors, all packaged in a nice case. It comes preconfigured so that it can be mounted as a raspberry pi hat if so desired, but not required. ATSAMDSAM51 runs at up to 200Mhz.IIRC it can be either USB host or client, where "USB host" is the unobtanium that caught my eye, and greatly helps justify the cost. Programmable through Arduino IDE.

    I'm thinking I might use it as a convenient hackproof hardware device to to securely store complicated high value passwords and then emulate a keyboard (either via USB or perhaps bluetooth) to automatically type them in when so instructed. This would be easy to do using Password Vault (available on Github), which was designed for it. This would remove any worry of malware gaining direct access to your password vault and its contents, even if your computer were compromised, because you would control it directly, rather than through the computer. i.e. there'd be no way for a virus to "reach out" from inside the computer to press its buttons. Perhaps it could be used similarly to securely store cryptocurrency as well. Alternatively, I'm thinking it could serve as a hackproof intermediary gateway to a raspberry pi, which could be equipped with XCKeepass, or similar, if so desired. For comparison, a Mooltipass costs around $150, and I don't believe it will even store regular passwords, just cryptocurrencies.

    Anyhow, given the name, I presume it's meant, at minimum, to act as a general purpose terminal. Perhaps useful for debugging on devices with no permanently attached screens of their own?

  • @NeverDie I have two of them and made some applications using PlatformIO IDE. I like the Wio Terminal. The only issue that I experienced until now is that I couldn't get one of my apps, which is repeatedly posting sensor data to Azure Storage Tables, running without hangs for longer time periods. If you can live with the watchdog it is useable.
    I didn't try the bluetooth and sd-card functions.
    A good thing is that you can easily enable debugging with a little bit soldering and a J-link debugger.

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