This is an old thread but Tibus, the problem I had was exactly yours with 26uA. I had to downgrade my Arduino software to 1.0.6 . Then I got normal numbers 3uA.
Advantage of this sensor is fast and easy installing by the non qualified personal. The sensor is designed for large agriculture facility with many greenhouses where is needed to be controlled temperature and humidity, the atmospheric pressure is for control the motor of air inlet and outlet. With help of the sensor installed outside the greenhouse provide information about positive/negative pressure inside the greenhouse.
Finlay the software read accurate temp/humid value of the Si7021, and only atmospheric pressure of BMP180, the temperature sensor inside the BMP180 is used only by the sensor itself to provide accurate atmospheric pressure measurements.
The sensor can be used also for home automation, and drone applications where is needed correction of the UAV barometric sensor compared to the ground barometric sensor, also humidity measurement can help the pilot to calculate more accurate flying time.
Does this help:
I agree with you that the serial messages are not perfectly documented, but realise that this site has been made (as far as I know) by a bunch of people that share their 'love' for home automation.....
@Jason-Brunk small value resistors can do the trick but you better try two silicon diodes 1N4001 or similar in series with the power line. Each diode give you around.0.7 volt drop.