Gerber/Eagle files and then...?
Well, I see some of you creating great custom boards in many (very interesting) sizes and shapes.
But for a n00b in that area... if i would get hold of a gerber/eagle file, how and where do you go about to order them? Is there any "how-to"?
There are a number of alternatives
F.ex., they accept eagle files as input (and standard gerbers as well)
Others are iteadstudio (they are making our first official mysensor board), seeedstudio are also producing pcb's. Both of these require gerbers to be sent.
In the US, there are oshpark, which is quick and relatively cheap.
Try a search on the web, there are a lot of guides and examples, on how to get finished PCB's from your (eagle) design.
There are several cheap producers that you can find at Just send them your gerber file and they will send a quote... I paid 16,80$ for ten up to size 5x10cm last time...
Great, thanx! I have to look into this, so tired of the experimentboards
Try, to search multiple fab houses based on your board requirements.