atmega328 tqfp pcb design

  • I would like to design in eagle atmega328 tqfp pcb. what is the bare minimum for board component (much like the microsensor board published here but only the arduino mcu functioning). I would like it to run on the chip internal clock.
    so what would I need to get in the BOM just for minimal arduino functioning? (caps and resistorts if any)

  • Admin


    It would be advisable to have decoupling capacitors (100nF) on all supply pins, ISP header for programming, maybe a serial FTDI header for serial (incl. 100nF cap between DTR and reset pin on atmega), 10K pullup on reset line.

    In theory you can drop all the components, and only have the atmega (and ISP header for programming).

  • so if I have FTDI cable with 100nF cap on DTR pin that go to reset pin on atmega and I expose pins for serial and isp what I need is on 100nF on supply pins and on 10k pullup on reset line - 2 components ?

  • Admin


    No, you need one 100nF on each supply pin. (don't have datasheet at hand, so can't remember how many supply pins there are). Place it as close as possible to the supply pins.

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