IR blaster for AC , TV etc.

  • Plugin Developer

    Any one tried using IR transmitter to send IR signal to AC with mini pro ( 328p ) as mysensor node. I know mini pro have limited ram / rom support.

    Note: AC remote send long IR signals which may not be completely captured by IR receivers connected to mini pro. may be one try on rasp pi but that's a last resort.

  • Hero Member

    @Dheeraj I am in the same boat. so far I was unable to replay ac codes. the ir blaster project should be able to do that.

  • Hero Member

    @Dheeraj Just a note: Although this project looks promising it still remains to be seen if it can decode/encode the sequences and the software part of it (the learning, storing and retrieving) does not exists yet. So early days.... I do wish broadlinks rm2 would be open protocol. it has such a great library of codes. Oh well...

  • Plugin Developer

    @Moshe-Livne the IR library i used is some how fails to decode and dump the AC IR signal received even after increasing the buffer size RAWBUF, not sure how broadlinks rm2 is working.. basically i used mini pro node as IR receiver/emitter .. the received IR hex codes ( bit, type NEC, etc ) are send to controller ( pimatic ) . Using pimatic Rules controlling electronic devices which sends IR hex code to node if rule is triggered.

  • Hero Member

    @Dheeraj yes, I tried that as well with similar results. I even tried the more complicated irscrutinizer to no avail. I think I have zapped my IR reciever and waiting for replacement. It could record very long codes but I couldn't play them back. still working on it....

  • Hero Member

    @Dheeraj Another option I am checking is getting one of the super cheap (3-4$) universal ac remote controls and hooking it to a sensor. The remotes were ordered and I'll probably get them in two weeks or so. It can be a good solution....

  • Admin

    @Moshe-Livne said:

    @Dheeraj Another option I am checking is getting one of the super cheap (3-4$) universal ac remote controls and hooking it to a sensor. The remotes were ordered and I'll probably get them in two weeks or so. It can be a good solution....

    Actually, that is a very creative approach. 👍 That said, I don't know if you guys saw it, but I posted a reply to your question about long IR codes on the forthcoming MySensors IR Blaster -

    Perhaps we can combine forces to ensure that the MySensors IR Blaster will meet your needs. Our goal is that it will be able to control devices that require recording and sending long IR codes and it looks like there is an Arduino solution - the IR Blaster Hardware will support it so it will just be a matter of adding it to the sketch/firmware.

  • Hero Member

    @blacey Its not my idea - there are zillions of instructables and youtube videos of people who did it because of the problem of controlling AC is such a pain....
    I will do my very best to make the IR blaster work with AC. Its a much neater solution. I must point out another PITA with controlling AC. as the wall units are stateless, the blaster can't actually know what is the actual setting on the AC. If someone manually changed the temperature or mode the blaster will override it, even if the programming only said "increase temp by 2 degrees for the night". Might be a need for another sensor by the AC that will also receive manual commands. this is so tricky....

  • Admin

    @Moshe-Livne said:

    @blacey I will do my very best to make the IR blaster work with AC. Its a much neater solution.

    Excellent! 👍

    I must point out another PITA with controlling AC. as the wall units are stateless, the blaster can't actually know what is the actual setting on the AC. If someone manually changed the temperature or mode the blaster will override it, even if the programming only said "increase temp by 2 degrees for the night". Might be a need for another sensor by the AC that will also receive manual commands. this is so tricky....

    So, in other words, air conditioners don't support discrete IR codes? For example, instead of a single power-toggle code, there is a power-on code and a separate power-off code. Many televisions only have a single power-toggle button on the remote however the TV often supports discrete codes.

  • Hero Member

    Just to add my two cents, I also saw people using mechanical micro-servos to push the buttons at the AC unit, and light sensors (cheap LDR) to read the status LEDs.

    Ugly but works.

  • Hero Member

    @rvendrame I saw this as well - it is slightly insane IMHO. But opening and connecting to these 3$ remotes seems easy enough and its very cost effective. If you hide the whole thing in a nice oak box it even looks nice....

    Anyway, learning from my last project, the infamous doorbell, that I thought would take 5 min max and it still manage not to work, lets just say I HOPE its easy....

  • Admin

    IR codes for AC's actually contains a lot of information, it's not just button presses (temperature up/down). But it's a "datagram" with complete settings, including temperature etc.

    An example, my AC in the "mancave", if I block the IR signal and turn the heat up a couple of notches, and then unblock the IR again, then when I turn op the heat one notch more, the display on the AC unit jumps 3 notches up.. Which indicates to me, that it transmits a complete setup message, including temperatures, etc. to the AC unit.

  • Hero Member

    @blacey its much much worse. Off is a discrete code. On on the other hand is a full device state. Mode, temp, fan, vane etc etc....

  • Admin

    @Moshe-Livne and @tbowmo - good to know the difference from standard HT IR - clearly A/C control will be a steeper hill to climb but still should be doable. IR A/C units aren't popular where I live so I won't have access to one...

  • Admin


    I have seen an arduino library somewhere to control different types of AC units, I even think it was mentioned on the forum,( half a year ago).

  • Admin

    @tbowmo said:


    I have seen an arduino library somewhere to control different types of AC units, I even think it was mentioned on the forum,( half a year ago).

    Indeed - this proves it is possible With a bit more legwork (e.g., I am confident that IR Blaster will be able to support HVAC units. Heck (pun intended), it wouldn't be fun if there weren't any challenges 😉

    NOTE: Given that we plan to provide HVAC control in the IR Blaster, should we merge this discussion into the IR Blaster thread?

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