MySensors network stress test

  • Hero Member

    Published in an early version in @barduino 's topic MockMySensors an alternative version to (stress) test the controller and network. For me also an exercise to use use the program memory to hold large amounts of (test & text) data.

    Working is simple: you can set your own "test vectors" by adding (or changing) the current setup. The sketch is heavily commented and should speak for itself.

    If you leave it like it is it will take node_id "50" , present all Sensor types (including development types) to the controller and fire a V_TYPE event suitable for each sensor once every second. You can reduce the time to get your controller and network cracking...

    Serial output shows what is being sent in a comprehensible format.

     PROJECT: MySensors - network stresstest
     DATE: 10 august 2015, update september 15, 2015
     FILE: AWI_Universal_Test_50.ino
     LICENSE: Public domain
       -in conjunction with MySensors
     STATUS: 			never finished, MySensors 1.5 (developement S_ & V_ types)
     KNOWN ISSUES: 		multiple initialisation of sensors (not a real issue)
    	multisensor for controller stress test
    	1. Presents sensors to controller
    	2. Sends (per sensor) values in with x iterations in y increments
     Setup: sends values for al sensor specified in setup array 
     Update:	20150904: 	Changed structure and type definitions (makes is easier to read)
    			20150915: 	Changed the structure so that one sensor can be sent multiple variables and option for SET/ REQ
     Special:	Stores test data in progmem to save RAM space
    			verbose listing of S_ & V_ names (lookup tables)
    #include <MySensor.h>  
    #include <SPI.h>
    const int NODE_ID = 50;  		  		// fixed MySensors node ID
    // reference: typedef enum {P_STRING, P_BYTE, P_INT16, P_UINT16, P_LONG32, P_ULONG32, P_CUSTOM, P_FLOAT32 } mysensor_payload ; // MySensor types
    typedef	union {							// MySensor Payload types (only p_String used in this sketch)
    	char p_String[16] ; 				// reduce characters to limit RAM size
    	int16_t p_Int16 ;
    	uint16_t p_Uint16 ;
    	int32_t p_Int32 ;
    	uint32_t p_Uint32 ;
    	byte p_Byte ;
    	float p_Float32 ;
    	} payLoadType ;
    // data type for test vector
    enum sActionT {vSet, vReq, vNone};		// sets the action to be performed (vNone does nothing)
    typedef struct {
    	byte sensorNo ;						// number of the sensor in the node (20150910)
    	byte s_type ;						// S_ type of the sensor number (only for init)
    	char s_name[10] ;					// sensor name (max 9 char) 						
    	byte v_type ;						// data V_ type to be sent
    	mysensor_payload dataType ;			// data type identifier (uses MySensors MyTypes definition)
    	payLoadType testStartValue ;		// start value for test
    	byte testIterations ;				// number of values sent
    	float testIncrement;				// test increment (different behaviour for each datatype)
    	sActionT sAction;					// sets the action to be performed (vNone does nothing)
    	boolean vAck ;						// indicates if ack is to be sent (not implemented yet)
    	} testDataType ;
    // ***********************************************************************************************
    // TESTDATA: testdata & initialization, change to adapt to your needs
    // ***********************************************************************************************
    const unsigned long SLEEP_PERIOD = 100 ;// Period between individual tests in ms  
    const unsigned long loopDelay = 1000 ;  // Sleep period in ms)  
    const boolean setFlag = true ;			// global flag to enable "SET" for all testdata V_ types ( && with test flag in vector)
    const boolean reqFlag = true ;			// global flag to enable "REQ" for all V_ types in sensor (controller dependent) (&& with test flag in vector)
    const boolean testAck = false ;			// global flag to enable tests to be acknowledged (&& with test flag in vector) 
    // testvectors - Each line is one "testvector"
    // Legend {<sensor no>), <S_ type>, "<sensor name>", <V_type>, <data type>, "<start value>", <iterations>, <increment>, <set/req>, <ack>},
    testDataType PROGMEM testDataP[] = { 									// size determined by number of lines
    //  {S_no, S_ type,		"Sname",		V_type, 	dataType	"startVal", iter, incr, Set/Req>, ack},
    	{0x01, S_DOOR, 		"Door1" ,		V_TRIPPED, 	P_BYTE, 	"1", 1, 1, vSet, false },	
    	{0x02, S_MOTION, 	"Motion1" , 	V_TRIPPED, 	P_BYTE, 	"1", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x03, S_SMOKE, 	"Smoke1" , 		V_TRIPPED, 	P_BYTE, 	"1", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x04, S_BINARY, 	"Binar1" , 		V_STATUS, 	P_BYTE, 	"0", 1, 1, vSet, false },	
    	{0x05, S_DIMMER, 	"Dimmer1" , 	V_LEVEL, 	P_BYTE, 	"60", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x06, S_COVER, 	"Cover1" , 		V_LEVEL, 	P_BYTE, 	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x07, S_TEMP, 		"Temp1" ,		V_TEMP, 	P_FLOAT32, 	"25", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x08, S_HUM, 		"Hum1" ,	 	V_HUM,	 	P_FLOAT32, 	"75", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x09, S_BARO, 		"Baro1" , 		V_PRESSURE,	P_FLOAT32, 	"1080", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x0A, S_WIND, 		"Wind1", 		V_WIND, 	P_BYTE, 	"4", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x0C, S_RAIN, 		"Rain1" , 		V_RAIN, 	P_FLOAT32, 	"60", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x0D, S_UV, 		"Uv1" , 		V_UV, 		P_FLOAT32, 	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x0E, S_WEIGHT, 	"Weight1" , 	V_WEIGHT, 	P_FLOAT32, 	"12", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x0F, S_POWER, 	"Power1" , 		V_WATT, 	P_FLOAT32, 	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x10, S_HEATER, 	"Heater1" , 	V_HVAC_FLOW_STATE, 	P_BYTE, "1", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x11, S_DISTANCE, 	"Distance1" , 	V_DISTANCE,	P_FLOAT32, 	"150", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x12, S_LIGHT_LEVEL, "LightL1" , 	V_LEVEL,	P_FLOAT32, 	"35", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x13, S_LOCK, 		"Lock11" ,		V_LOCK_STATUS,	P_BYTE,	"1", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x14, S_IR, 		"Ir1" , 		V_IR_SEND,	P_FLOAT32,	"1234", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x15, S_WATER, 	"Water1" , 		V_FLOW,		P_FLOAT32,	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x16, S_AIR_QUALITY, "AirQ1" , 	V_LEVEL,	P_FLOAT32,	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x17, S_CUSTOM, 	"Custom1" , 	V_VAR1,		P_BYTE,		"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x18, S_DUST, 		"Dust1" , 		V_LEVEL,	P_BYTE, 	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x19, S_SCENE_CONTROLLER, "Scene1",V_SCENE_ON,	P_BYTE, 	"1", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x1A, S_RGB_LIGHT, "RgbL1" , 		V_RGB,		P_ULONG32, 	"808080", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x1B, S_RGBW_LIGHT,"RgbwL1" , 		V_RGBW,		P_ULONG32, 	"808080", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x1C, S_COLOR_SENSOR,"Color1" , 	V_RGB,		P_ULONG32, 	"807060", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x1D, S_HVAC, 		"Hvac1" , 		V_HVAC_FLOW_MODE,	P_BYTE, "80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x1E, S_MULTIMETER,"Multi1" , 		V_VOLTAGE,	P_FLOAT32, 	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x1E, S_MULTIMETER,"Multi1" , 		V_CURRENT,	P_FLOAT32,	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x1E, S_MULTIMETER,"Multi1" , 		V_IMPEDANCE,P_FLOAT32,	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x1F, S_SPRINKLER, "Sprink1" , 	V_STATUS,	P_BYTE,		"1", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x20, S_WATER_LEAK,"WaterL1" , 	V_TRIPPED,	P_BYTE, 	"1", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x21, S_SOUND, 	"Sound1" , 		V_LEVEL,	P_BYTE, 	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x22, S_VIBRATION, "Vibr1" , 		V_LEVEL,	P_BYTE, 	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    	{0x23, S_MOISTURE, 	"Moist1" , 		V_LEVEL,	P_BYTE, 	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    //	{0x24, S_INFO, 		"Info1" , 		V_TEXT,		P_STRING, 	"ABC", 1, 1, vSet, false }, // developement
    //	{0x25, S_GAS, 		"Gas1" , 		V_VOLUME, 	P_BYTE, 	"80", 1, 1, vSet, false },
    testDataType testData ; 			// storage for current testdata (to copy from progmem)
    // initialize MySensors (MySensors 1.5 style)
    MyTransportNRF24 transport(9, 10); // Ceech board, 3.3v (7,8)  (pin default 9,10)
    MySensor gw(transport); 	      			
    // Initialize messages (only generic message here)
    MyMessage Msg;                    									// instantiate message to fill "on the fly"
    // Global variables to number of test elements
    int noSensors ; 						// number of active sensors in node
    int noTests ;							// noTests == noSensors for now
    void setup() {
      gw.begin(incomingMessage, NODE_ID); 								// start MySensors, fixed node ID
      // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
      gw.sendSketchInfo("AWI Universal test 50", "1.2");
      noTests = sizeof(testDataP)/ sizeof(testData) ;					// determine number of tests from data array
      noSensors = noTests ; 											//  == noTests for now (needs to be calculated or read)
      Serial.println("\n  Stress test for Mysensors network (20150915).\n");
      Serial.print("Number of Sensors: "); Serial.println(noSensors) ;
      Serial.print("Number of Tests:   "); Serial.println(noTests) ;
      for (int i = 0; i < noSensors ; i++) {  							// Register al sensors (they will be created as child devices)
        // present all sensors in list (sensor_no, sensor_type, sensor_name). Multiple sensors are presented multiple times (just to be aware).
        memcpy_P(&testData, &testDataP[i], sizeof(testData));			// copy testdata from Progmem
    	gw.present(testData.sensorNo , testData.s_type, testData.s_name ); 	
    void loop() {
      gw.process();           											// check if message from controller
      for (int i = 0; i < noTests ; i++) { 
    	memcpy_P(&testData, &testDataP[i], sizeof(testData));			// copy testdata from Progmem
     	Msg.setSensor(testData.sensorNo);   							// set the sensor number
        Msg.setType(testData.v_type);      								// set the sensor type
    	boolean setAck = testAck &&  testData.vAck ;					// Ack depends on global testAck and ack for test
    	if (setFlag && (testData.sAction == vSet )){					// if global Set is activated and testvalue for type = Set
    		if (testData.dataType == P_BYTE){
    			uint8_t testPayload = atoi(testData.testStartValue.p_String) ;
    			for (byte j = 0 ; j < testData.testIterations ; j++ ){
    				gw.send(Msg.set(testPayload), setAck);
    				testPayload += testData.testIncrement ;
    		} else if (testData.dataType == P_INT16) {
    			int testPayload = atoi(testData.testStartValue.p_String) ;
    			for (byte j = 0 ; j < testData.testIterations ; j++ ){
    				gw.send(Msg.set(testPayload), setAck);
    				testPayload += testData.testIncrement ;
    		} else if (testData.dataType == P_UINT16){
    			uint16_t testPayload = atoi(testData.testStartValue.p_String) ;
    			for (byte j = 0 ; j < testData.testIterations ; j++ ){
    				gw.send(Msg.set(testPayload), setAck);
    				testPayload += testData.testIncrement ;
    		} else if (testData.dataType == P_LONG32){
    			uint32_t testPayload = atol(testData.testStartValue.p_String) ;
    			for (byte j = 0 ; j < testData.testIterations ; j++ ){
    				gw.send(Msg.set(testPayload), setAck);
    				testPayload += testData.testIncrement ;
    		} else if (testData.dataType == P_ULONG32){
    			uint32_t testPayload = atol(testData.testStartValue.p_String) ;
    			for (byte j = 0 ; j < testData.testIterations ; j++ ){
    				gw.send(Msg.set(testPayload), setAck);
    				testPayload += testData.testIncrement ;
    		} else if (testData.dataType == P_FLOAT32 ){
    			float testPayload = atof(testData.testStartValue.p_String) ;
    			for (byte j = 0 ; j < testData.testIterations ; j++ ){
    				gw.send(Msg.set(testPayload, 4), setAck);
    				testPayload += testData.testIncrement ;
    		} else if (testData.dataType == P_STRING){
    			for (byte j = 0 ; j < testData.testIterations ; j++ ){
    				gw.send(Msg.set(testData.testStartValue.p_String), setAck);	// just send the string
    				// testPayload += testData.testIncrement ; //string is not incremented
    	} else if (reqFlag && (testData.sAction == vReq )){ 		// if global Req is activated and testvalue for type = Req
    		gw.request(i, testData.v_type);		
    	// else do nothing (set or req)
    void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) {
    	 Serial.print("Incoming Message");
         Serial.print(message.sensor, HEX);
         Serial.print(", V_type: ");
         Serial.print(", payload: ");
    // Lookuptables for S_ & V_ type names
    char PROGMEM sTypes[][20] = {
    	"S_DOOR",  // Door sensor, V_TRIPPED, V_ARMED
    	"S_MOTION",  // Motion sensor, V_TRIPPED, V_ARMED 
    	"S_SMOKE",  // Smoke sensor, V_TRIPPED, V_ARMED
    	"S_BINARY",  // Binary light or relay, V_STATUS (or V_LIGHT), V_WATT (same as "S_LIGHT)
    	"S_DIMMER",  // Dimmable light or fan device, V_STATUS (on/off), V_DIMMER (dimmer level 0-100), V_WATT
    	"S_COVER",  // Blinds or window cover, V_UP, V_DOWN, V_STOP, V_DIMMER (open/close to a percentage)
    	"S_TEMP",  // Temperature sensor, V_TEMP
    	"S_HUM",  // Humidity sensor, V_HUM
    	"S_BARO",  // Barometer sensor, V_PRESSURE, V_FORECAST
    	"S_WIND",  // Wind sensor, V_WIND, V_GUST
    	"S_RAIN",  // Rain sensor, V_RAIN, V_RAINRATE
    	"S_UV",  // Uv sensor, V_UV
    	"S_WEIGHT",  // Personal scale sensor, V_WEIGHT, V_IMPEDANCE
    	"S_POWER",  // Power meter, V_WATT, V_KWH
    	"S_DISTANCE",  // Distance sensor, V_DISTANCE
    	"S_LIGHT_LEVEL",  // Light level sensor, V_LIGHT_LEVEL (uncalibrated in percentage),  V_LEVEL (light level in lux)
    	"S_ARDUINO_NODE",  // Used (internally) for presenting a non-repeating Arduino node
    	"S_ARDUINO_REP_NODE",  // Used (internally) for presenting a repeating Arduino node 
    	"S_LOCK",  // Lock device, V_LOCK_STATUS
    	"S_IR",  // Ir device, V_IR_SEND, V_IR_RECEIVE
    	"S_WATER",  // Water meter, V_FLOW, V_VOLUME
    	"S_AIR_QUALITY",  // Air quality sensor, V_LEVEL
    	"S_CUSTOM",  // Custom sensor 
    	"S_DUST",  // Dust sensor, V_LEVEL
    	"S_SCENE_CONTROLLER",  // Scene controller device, V_SCENE_ON, V_SCENE_OFF. 
    	"S_RGB_LIGHT",  // RGB light. Send color component data using V_RGB. Also supports V_WATT 
    	"S_RGBW_LIGHT",  // RGB light with an additional White component. Send data using V_RGBW. Also supports V_WATT
    	"S_COLOR_SENSOR",  // Color sensor, send color information using V_RGB
    	"S_MULTIMETER",  // Multimeter device, V_VOLTAGE, V_CURRENT, V_IMPEDANCE 
    	"S_SPRINKLER",  // Sprinkler, V_STATUS (turn on/off), V_TRIPPED (if fire detecting device)
    	"S_WATER_LEAK",  // Water leak sensor, V_TRIPPED, V_ARMED
    	"S_SOUND",  // Sound sensor, V_TRIPPED, V_ARMED, V_LEVEL (sound level in dB)
    	"S_VIBRATION",  // Vibration sensor, V_TRIPPED, V_ARMED, V_LEVEL (vibration in Hz)
    	"S_MOISTURE",  // Moisture sensor, V_TRIPPED, V_ARMED, V_LEVEL (water content or moisture in percentage?) 
    	"S_INFO",  // LCD text device / Simple information device on controller, V_TEXT 
    	"S_GAS",  // Gas meter, V_FLOW, V_VOLUME  (development)
    // Type of sensor data (for set/req/ack messages)
    char PROGMEM vTypes[][22] {
    	"V_TEMP",  // S_TEMP. Temperature S_TEMP, S_HEATER, S_HVAC
    	"V_HUM",  // S_HUM. Humidity
    	"V_STATUS",  //  S_LIGHT, S_DIMMER, S_SPRINKLER, S_HVAC, S_HEATER. Used for setting/reporting binary (on/off) status. 1=on, 0=off  
    	"V_PERC/DIM",  // S_DIMMER. Used for sending a percentage value 0-100 (%). 
    	"V_PRESSURE",  // S_BARO. Atmospheric Pressure
    	"V_FORECAST",  // S_BARO. Whether forecast. string of "stable", "sunny", "cloudy", "unstable", "thunderstorm" or "unknown"
    	"V_RAIN",  // S_RAIN. Amount of rain
    	"V_RAINRATE",  // S_RAIN. Rate of rain
    	"V_WIND",  // S_WIND. Wind speed
    	"V_GUST",  // S_WIND. Gust
    	"V_DIRECTION",  // S_WIND. Wind direction 0-360 (degrees)
    	"V_UV",  // S_UV. UV light level
    	"V_WEIGHT",  // S_WEIGHT. Weight(for scales etc)
    	"V_DISTANCE",  // S_DISTANCE. Distance
    	"V_IMPEDANCE",  // S_MULTIMETER, S_WEIGHT. Impedance value
    	"V_ARMED",  // S_DOOR, S_MOTION, S_SMOKE, S_SPRINKLER. Armed status of a security sensor. 1 = Armed, 0 = Bypassed
    	"V_TRIPPED",  // S_DOOR, S_MOTION, S_SMOKE, S_SPRINKLER, S_WATER_LEAK, S_SOUND, S_VIBRATION, S_MOISTURE. Tripped status of a security sensor. 1 = Tripped, 0
    	"V_WATT",  // S_POWER, S_LIGHT, S_DIMMER, S_RGB, S_RGBW. Watt value for power meters
    	"V_KWH",  // S_POWER. Accumulated number of KWH for a power meter
    	"V_SCENE_ON",  // S_SCENE_CONTROLLER. Turn on a scene
    	"V_SCENE_OFF",  // S_SCENE_CONTROLLER. Turn of a scene
    	"V_HVAC_FLOW_STATE",  // S_HEATER, S_HVAC. HVAC flow state ("Off", "HeatOn", "CoolOn", or "AutoChangeOver") 
    	"V_HVAC_SPEED",  // S_HVAC, S_HEATER. HVAC/Heater fan speed ("Min", "Normal", "Max", "Auto") 
    	"V_LIGHT_LEVEL",  // S_LIGHT_LEVEL. Uncalibrated light level. 0-100%. Use "V_LEVEL for light level in lux
    	"V_VAR1", "V_VAR2", "V_VAR3", "V_VAR4", "V_VAR5",
    	"V_UP",  // S_COVER. Window covering. Up
    	"V_DOWN",  // S_COVER. Window covering. Down
    	"V_STOP",  // S_COVER. Window covering. Stop
    	"V_IR_SEND",  // S_IR. Send out an IR-command
    	"V_IR_RECEIVE",  // S_IR. This message contains a received IR-command
    	"V_FLOW",  // S_WATER. Flow of water (in meter)
    	"V_VOLUME",  // S_WATER. Water volume
    	"V_LOCK_STATUS",  // S_LOCK. Set or get lock status. 1=Locked, 0=Unlocked
    					// Used for sending color information for multi color LED lighting or color sensors. 
    					// Sent as ASCII hex: RRGGBB (RR=red, GG=green, BB=blue component)
    	"V_RGBW",  // S_RGBW_LIGHT
    					// Used for sending color information to multi color LED lighting. 
    					// Sent as ASCII hex: RRGGBBWW (WW=white component)
    	"V_ID",   // S_TEMP
    					// Used for sending in sensors hardware ids (i.e. OneWire DS1820b). 
    					// Allows sensors to send in a string representing the 
    					// unit prefix to be displayed in GUI, not parsed by controller! E.g. cm, m, km, inch.
    					// Can be used for S_DISTANCE or gas concentration
    	"V_HVAC_SETPOINT_COOL",  // S_HVAC. HVAC cool setpoint (Integer between 0-100)
    	"V_HVAC_SETPOINT_HEAT",  // S_HEATER, S_HVAC. HVAC/Heater setpoint (Integer between 0-100)
    	"V_HVAC_FLOW_MODE",  // S_HVAC. Flow mode for HVAC ("Auto", "ContinuousOn", "PeriodicOn")
    	"V_TEXT",  // S_INFO. Text message to display on LCD or controller device
    void printTest(){
    	char TypeTmp[20] ;														// temporary char array
    	 Serial.print("Sensor(hex): "); Serial.print(testData.sensorNo, HEX) ;
    	 strcpy_P(TypeTmp, sTypes[testData.s_type]);							// copy string from Progmem
    	 Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(TypeTmp) ;							// print string
    	 strcpy_P(TypeTmp, vTypes[testData.v_type]);
    	 Serial.print(", sName: "); Serial.print(testData.s_name) ;
    	 Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(TypeTmp) ;							// print string
    	 Serial.print(", start: "); Serial.println(testData.testStartValue.p_String) ;
    /* for reference only
    // sensor data types
    // typedef enum {P_STRING, P_BYTE, P_INT16, P_UINT16, P_LONG32, P_ULONG32, P_CUSTOM, P_FLOAT32 } MyTypes ;

  • @AWI Pretty cool!

  • @AWI whats your results? In earlier tests the maximum i got was 160packets/s.

  • Hero Member

    @Oitzu I only have a "production" environment, so I didn't take it to its limits yet...

  • Hi @AWI ,

    Thank you for sharing, I'm trying the code right now, but I'm not understanding from where can I get the number of packets per second.

    BTW I'm trying with
    SLEEP_PERIOD = 10 and loopDelay = 100, what do you recommend?

  • Hero Member

    @Daniel-Oliveira The periods are in milliseconds... default is one test every 1000 ms. If you want to really test the network set it as low as you want. I have no recommendations. I built it to check if and how the controller handles everything, so speed is less important.

    The loopdelay is the time between each test vector. So your settings give 10 tests/ second ( = 1 each 100 milliseconds)
    The SLEEP_TIME (wrong wording, sorry...) is the time if you have more than one test per vector (number of iterations with increment). The SLEEP_TIME is not relevant in the default setting. You have to set the number of iterations in the vector > 1.

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