No problem, I am running the nrf24 mqtt gateway on the rpi and it is working with no problem with domoticz. I choose the mqtt client gateway because I wanted to tinker around MQTT, but you could go for the ethernet gateway that is easier to manage.
@legeantvert said:
On the same way, i dont understand how and where are stored the values inside the gateway if not used on each reception, are they stored somewhere to be able to answer them when serial request arrive?
You could bypass this on some kind of events obviously !
Actually my perl gateway is acting as the server Vera is for the arduino gateway. So from there I can trigger external URL, store data in a sqlite3 database... and so on !
Use a latching relay. Here is one I found on Amazon.
If you are trying to use with existing 3 ways use
Use an optocoupler to indicate lamp status...see the last diagram in this post.