Sampling rate for sensor when combined
I have combined Relay and MQ+DHT
What i would like to do is set a sampling period for a sensor at say 5 seconds.
Is this supposed to be done with millis? Can somebody help with the code sample?Let's presume for MQ as an exxample
float mq_reading = analogRead(MQ_Pin); if (isnan(mq_reading)) { Serial.println("Failed mq_reading"); } else if (mq_reading != last_mq_reading) { last_mq_reading = mq_reading; gw.send(msgMQ.set(mq_reading, 1)); Serial.print("MQ: "); Serial.println(mq_reading); } }```
Yes - im using millis() if i dont sleep the node (which seems overkill if you only wants 5 seconds).
What you need to find out if you sensors have the possibility to read that fast. For the dht i think thats about when you just run the normal reading without delay in the loop.
Can you give a code example? Currently it reports every second almost
long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time something happened long interval = 5000; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)
void loop() { unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) { // save the last time something happened previousMillis = currentMillis; Insert your code here... } }
Note millis() does not work if you are using gw.sleep()