MYSController OTA update battery sensor that has no gw.wait(); at the end

  • Hi, I am using OTA and have a few sensors, but on the last node I forgot to add gw.wait(200); after gw.send();
    This now leads to me not being able to update the node OTA, and I have unfortunately "sealed" the arduino and it would be quite difficult to get physically to the node.
    I tried rebooting the node manually, marking all sort of things in the MysController, but I cannot get the node to start receiving the new firmware over the air.

    Any tips or procedures about how to "get" the node to accept new firmware over the air?

  • Admin

    @dakipro I'm afraid, the only option is to power-cycle the node since your sketch won't wait for incoming commands.

  • Powering sketch off and on again began the "booting-upgrading procedure".
    Which unfortunately got messed up somehow (I suspect some other node on the network was interrupting constantly). Node suddenly not visible to the mysensors network, restarting or rebooting, it didn't start. probably i messed up the loader or something, don't know how I did it.
    I however managed to access the board and reflash mysbootloader and then was able to upload sketch with the wait() at the end. This update process was stuck in the loop, but then I turned off some of the universal sensor nodes, the update finished successfully.

    Not sure how, but I keep messing things up somehow, good news is that eventually I learn a bit more each time 🙂

    Thanks for the help

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