Arduino & CC3000 Wifi & NRF24L01+ over SPI
Anyone know how to connect two SPI devices to an Arduino Uno?
Separately, the CC3000 Wifi module and NRF24L01+ work normally.
However, if I wire them in parallel, like for i2c, only the CC3000 works.
Is there some type of input-output connection for one master and multiple slaves?
I found the solution on this page:
The key is setting the Chip Select (CS) line to be different for each module.
For the CC3000...
"#define ADAFRUIT_CC3000_CS 7"
Pin 7 is being used exclusively to select the Wifi module. the NRF24L01+...
"RF24 radio(9,10);"
Pin 9 is being used for Chip Enable (CE) and Pin 10 is Chip Select (CS). other SPI pins: CLK, MISO, MOSI, are shared by the two modules and get wired in parallel.
Goood stuff! What is it your making?
Is it a spark core??
or a WLAN Gateway
I did that on my Mega too
@gregl said:
Goood stuff! What is it your making?
Is it a spark core??A Wifi bridge so I can use $1 NRF24L01+ modules to send data to my database or to the internet.
I have a similar problem.
I dont have the CC3000 breakboard I have the shield so changing pin address for this board is not going to work.
Instead I've changed the NRF24l01+ to use pins CE 35, CS 34.
I've also changed the init of the gateway to use pins 40,41,42 for the leds.(I'm using a mega btw)
So just using the MySensors skecth it works fine.
But as soon as I initialise the CC3000, the gw.begin() doesnt work anymore.
Were you able to get this to work?
Did you have to change any libraries?
@jesse said:
I found the solution on this page:
The key is setting the Chip Select (CS) line to be different for each module.
For the CC3000...
"#define ADAFRUIT_CC3000_CS 7"
Pin 7 is being used exclusively to select the Wifi module. the NRF24L01+...
"RF24 radio(9,10);"
Pin 9 is being used for Chip Enable (CE) and Pin 10 is Chip Select (CS). other SPI pins: CLK, MISO, MOSI, are shared by the two modules and get wired in parallel.
Hi do you still have a Gateway code when using CC3000 and arduino Mega or UNO(if it fits)?