Portable Power Meter
I'd like to build something like this: http://www.clasohlson.com/se/Elenergimätare/36-4444This is a portable power meter, but instead of showing the results on the display, I'd like it to log to mysensors instead. Has anyone built something like this before? Any ideas on where to start?
Maybe the easiest way would be to use something like this
Agreed, those are not easy stuff to make on your own, especially since there are so many products fully working ready to use. I'd personally avoid working on the 220v and I'd choose the fibaro one that is really compact and has a built in zwave signal meter that you can also use.
Ok, but then the obvious follow-up question is how do i read the values using the z-wave protocol and get them across to the gateway?
Just add the zwave USB dongle to your controller, just check compatibility first
Looks like there is something going onhttps://forum.mysensors.org/topic/6070/teleinfo-with-parasitic-power
There is the Sonoff Pow that is already a finished product and is actually very cheap, but it works on wifi and you need to replace the firmware if you don't want to use their cloud service
@gohan sounds interesting, thanks for the tip.
I suppose there is a way to send a mysensors message over wifi? Would be silly to have to connect a NRF24 to talk to the gateway(which is anyway connecting with wifi).
It depends on what your final setup will be, because you could load a custom firmware that sends data to mqtt or write your own code and use it as an esp8266 gateway with sensor attached. There is no universal solution, so if you would like to post your project we can give better suggestions.
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