Hi all, I am very much a MySensor noob and hope some of you could help me out! Recently I have become really enthusiastic about home automation and the possibility of creating sensors to measure air quality in different indoor rooms. Since the holidays are around the corner it's a good time for to gather a list of the materials I need to start the project I have in mind and I hope some of you can provide me advise.
On the short term I want to use Home Automation to measure the air quality in different rooms and report on it, in the future the scope will expand to actual automation but for now I want to measure the air and report on it. Currently my scope would be to create wireless sensors that measure temperature, CO2 and humidity.
I came across the /iot link to create the wireless sensors but still have some unclarity as creating the sensors is a bit more complicated than setting up the Raspberry Pi. Below some Qs I have.
- Uno vs Nano. Is the Arduino Uno best for testing but the nano best for eventual deployment?
Temperature sensor
DS18b20 Dallas Temperature Sensors Module or DS18B20 Dallas Temperature Sensors. What's the benefit of just the sensor, since it's more expensive per piece in the end.
Humidity Sensor
Si7021 Sensor Module 3.3V vs 5V. What's the benefit of choosing different voltage?
CO2 sensor
Any idea's? Could not find a sensor on the build part of the website.
Wireless sensor
Quite some choice here as well it seems. Before browsing I personally was thinking to try and create zigbee sensor, in order to create a meshnetwork. Is this a possibility or a very stupid idea?
To my understanding so far, the Arduino board powers the attached sensors and wireless module. How long would an arduino with 3 sensors + wireless module last realistically. I know it will depend on polling etc, but just to get an idea.