How are you getting on with it? What spare pins are you using etc?
Have one sitting on my desk making me feel guilty for not hooking it up!
Posts made by shabba
RE: Arduino 32u4 (MEGA) with built in GSM for $18
RE: Which sensor type to use for my gate controller?
I use a reed switch on my gates - when they are in contact the gate is closed.
You could put more at the open points for fully open but I only cared about closed or not. I assumed for 20 secs after they started opening they are opening else they are open.When I close the gate I assume closing until the reed switch shows closed - of course opening the gate during closing will reopen (I also have IR to detect car so gate will not close onto a car).
RE: π¬ Mini Relay Box
Hi @koresh - I had a little accident on the AC side :-). I was wondering what values the 2 resistors (TH and SMD) and diode are ? Thanks!
RE: π¬ RFM69 Serial GW (ATMEGA328P)
Any BOM?
I still have these PCBs and want to finish em. Can't source a crystal/resonator of about 5x4 mm. -
RE: π¬ Wireless Touch Switch: Relay Model - (For Livolo crystals)
@giltesa Looking forward to seeing results! Great work.
RE: Anyone tried the Creality CR-10 3D printer?
@dbemowsk I am trying to tune that at the moment! Lots of stringing.
RE: Anyone tried the Creality CR-10 3D printer?
I have it. My first 3d printer so I can't compare. I hooked it up to a octoprint pi setup. I really like it. I have already changed the hot end for a volcano setup.
RE: π¬ MySensors Nano RF shield
Hi @Koresh - Any gerbers etc yet? Thanks!
RE: Whole house power monitoring.
All I am looking for really is a sensor/circuit that I can hook up to a mini and mysensors network.
RE: Whole house power monitoring.
DIY all the way! I assumed posting here would imply mysensors based but I guess I really should have been clear.
Whole house power monitoring.
I see some commercial offering that count meter ticks but are there any clamp style current meters that people have used to measure power usage in a house?Thanks!
RE: π¬ Mini Relay Box
Is it still possible to get this with different freq radio?
RE: What did you build today (Pictures) ?
@NeverDie Neat! All I need is a rfm69 version
Where you get pcb? -
RE: π¬ NRF51822 Livolo 2 channel 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1_Ver_C2)
Ha! Cool. Great work. Would you have a BOM ?
RE: Gateway spamming Domoticz log file
@John-MΓ€larstrΓΆm I hit the same a while back. I had to disable all acks on my network to solve it on 2.1.1 - worked ok previously. I opened a thread about it here somewhere. Sounds like repeater/ack related.
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1_Ver_C2)
@Lukaspp said in
Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1_Ver_C2):
transistor M
I would be delighted to help in any way but I would need direction. My electronics experience is pretty much limited to DC circuits.
RE: Serial gateway problem after upgrade from 1-5 to 2-1-1
I had huge problems with ack on so I turned it off on my whole network. Otherwise a node presenting would reset the controller over and over.
RE: Noisy inputs..
I'm gonna see if I can grab a few ferrite cores and stick then on the AC lines to see if that suppresses the EMI.
RE: Noisy inputs..
No. I can try that but because I have already received the PCBs I would need to hack it a bit. It is worth mentioning that this does not happen when AC is not passed through the relays but relays are still connected.
RE: π¬ Serial Protocol - 2.x
What is the best for a push button? I have a button to open a lock. The button cannot lock the lock however. So binary is not really a proper option?
Noisy inputs..
Hi all,
I built a gate controller for myself ( The relay pins are wrong (N/O and N/C) but that is not relevant here.The issue is that when I stop or start the relays when AC is connected my inputs trigger changes. This does not happen when I disconnect the AC. The relays are driving gate motors using starter capacitors.
#include "PinChangeInterrupt.h" #define TINY_GSM_MODEM_A6 #define RF69_IRQ_NUM 2 #define MY_NODE_ID 2 #define MY_DEBUG #define MY_RADIO_RFM69 #define MY_RFM69_FREQUENCY RF69_868MHZ #include <SPI.h> #include <MySensors.h> #include <TinyGsmClient.h> #define SerialAT Serial1 #define DELAY 2000 /////////////////// Gates /////////////////////// #define RGC 14 #define LGO 15 #define RGO 12 #define LGC 18 //////////////////// Buttons /////////////////// #define KEYPAD 20 #define INTERCOM 19 #define PHOTOCELLS 23 #define KEYFOB 21 #define WALLSWITCH A7 #define REEDSWITCH 22 TinyGsm modem(SerialAT); MyMessage msg(1,V_TRIPPED); MyMessage msg2(2,V_TEXT); unsigned long const gatesTimeOpenClose = 29000; unsigned long const gatesStayOpen = 80000; unsigned long movingTime = 0, openTime = 0; volatile bool keyPad = false, interCom = false, keyFob = false; bool gatesOpening = false, gatesClosing = false, gatesOpen = false, stringComplete = false, domoTrigger = false; String inputString = ""; String reason = ""; int oldsec=0; volatile bool startup = true, changeDetected = false; void openGates() { if (gatesOpening) { return; } if (gatesClosing) { unsigned long temp = millis() - movingTime; // temp is ms since gate was closing movingTime = millis() - (gatesTimeOpenClose - temp) + 1000; values(); Serial.print("OpenGates() :: Reopening:"); Serial.println(temp/1000); stopGates(); } else { movingTime = millis(); } if (gatesOpen) { // Reset open timer openTime = millis(); values(); Serial.println("OpenGates() : Resetting open timer"); return; } gatesOpening = true; send(msg2.set(reason.c_str())); reason=""; send(msg.set(0)); digitalWrite(RGO,LOW); values(); Serial.println("OpenGates() : Right"); delay(2000); digitalWrite(LGO,LOW); values(); Serial.println("OpenGates : Left"); } void stopGates() { digitalWrite(LGC,HIGH); digitalWrite(LGO,HIGH); values(); Serial.println("StopGates : Stopping Left gate"); if (gatesClosing) { delay(1000); } digitalWrite(RGC,HIGH); digitalWrite(RGO,HIGH); Serial.println("StopGates : Stopping Right gate"); gatesOpen = gatesOpening?true:false; if (gatesOpen) { values(); Serial.println("StopGates() : Gates are open"); openTime = millis(); } gatesOpening = false; gatesClosing = false; } void closeGates() { while(analogRead(WALLSWITCH) < 615) { unsigned long wallOpen = millis(); if(millis() % 10000 == 0) { int sec = (millis() - wallOpen)/1000; if (sec != oldsec) { values(); Serial.print("CloseGates() : Wall switch: "); Serial.print(sec); Serial.println('s'); oldsec = sec; } } } if (gatesClosing) { return; } movingTime = millis(); gatesClosing = true; gatesOpen = false; values(); keyPad = false, interCom = false, keyFob = false; Serial.println("CloseGates() : Closing Left gate"); digitalWrite(LGC,LOW); values(); delay(2000); Serial.println("CloseGates() : Closing Right gate"); digitalWrite(RGC,LOW); values(); } void CheckGates() { if (gatesOpening || gatesClosing) { if((millis() - movingTime) > gatesTimeOpenClose) { stopGates(); } else { if (millis() % 2000 == 0) { values(); int secs = (millis() - movingTime) / 1000; if (secs != oldsec) { if (gatesOpening) { Serial.print("CheckGates() : Opening:"); } else { Serial.print("CheckGates() : Closing:"); } Serial.print((movingTime + gatesTimeOpenClose - millis()) / 1000); Serial.println("s"); oldsec = secs; } } } } if (gatesClosing) { if (digitalRead(PHOTOCELLS) == HIGH) { Serial.println("CheckGates() : Photocells tripped - Reopening"); openGates(); } if (digitalRead(REEDSWITCH) == LOW) { Serial.println("CheckGates() : ReedSwitch tripped"); send(msg.set(1)); stopGates(); } } if (gatesOpen) { if((millis() - openTime) > gatesStayOpen) { closeGates(); } else { if (millis() % 5000 == 0) { int secs = (millis() - openTime) / 1000; if (secs != oldsec) { values(); Serial.print("CheckGates() : Open "); Serial.print(secs); Serial.print("s :: "); Serial.print((openTime + gatesStayOpen - millis()) / 1000); Serial.println("s"); oldsec = secs; } } } } } void setup() { Serial.println("Setup() : Gate sketch started"); inputString.reserve(200); SerialAT.begin(115200); delay(5000); // Give modem a chance. Serial.print("Setup() : Initialising Modem..."); while(!modem.init()) { Serial.println("Setup() : ERR: Modem init"); delay(10000); } Serial.println("Setup() : Waiting for network.."); while(!modem.waitForNetwork()) { Serial.println("Setup() : ERR: GSM network"); delay(10000); } Serial.println("Setup() : Modem ready"); SerialAT.write("AT+CLIP=1\r\n"); pinMode(WALLSWITCH, INPUT); pinMode(INTERCOM, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(KEYPAD, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(KEYFOB, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(REEDSWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PHOTOCELLS, INPUT_PULLUP); attachPCINT(digitalPinToPCINT(INTERCOM), PBChangeIntercom, CHANGE); attachPCINT(digitalPinToPCINT(KEYFOB), PBChangeKeyFob, CHANGE); attachPCINT(digitalPinToPCINT(KEYPAD), PBChangeKeyPad, CHANGE); int gatePins[4] = {LGO,LGC, RGO, RGC}; for (int x=0;x<4;x++) { pinMode(gatePins[x],OUTPUT); digitalWrite(gatePins[x],HIGH); } gatesOpen = (digitalRead(REEDSWITCH))==LOW?false:true; if (gatesOpen) { Serial.println("Setup() : Gates are open on startup"); closeGates(); } values(); startup = false; } void loop() { if (changeDetected) { Serial.println("Change detected"); changeDetected = false; } if (keyFob) { values(); Serial.println("loop() : Gate open request detected by Key Fob"); reason="Opened by Key Fob"; openGates(); keyFob = false; } if (interCom) { values(); Serial.println("loop() : Gate open request detected by Intercom"); reason="Opened by Intercom"; openGates(); interCom = false; } if (keyPad) { values(); Serial.println("loop() : Gate open request detected by key pad"); reason="Opened by Key Pad"; openGates(); keyPad = false; } if (stringComplete) { inputString.trim(); if (inputString.length() > 0) { Serial.print("loop() : GSM:"); Serial.println(inputString); } if(inputString.indexOf("1111111111") > 0 || inputString.indexOf("222222222222") > 0 || inputString.indexOf("333333333333") > 0) { String phoneNum = inputString.substring(inputString.indexOf("087"),inputString.indexOf("087")+10); Serial.print("loop() : GSM:"); Serial.print(phoneNum); Serial.println(" CALL"); SerialAT.write("ATH \n\r"); reason="Opened by " + phoneNum; openGates(); } // clear the string: inputString = ""; stringComplete = false; } CheckGates(); reason = ""; } void receive(const MyMessage &message) { if (message.type == V_STATUS && message.sensor == 1) { if (atoi( == 0) { Serial.println("receive() : Open req from domo"); reason = "Opened from domoticz"; openGates(); } } } void serialEvent1() { while (SerialAT.available()) { char inChar = (char); inputString += inChar; if (inChar == '\n') { stringComplete = true; } } } void values() { Serial.print("KF: "); Serial.print(keyFob); Serial.print("| KP: "); Serial.print(keyPad); Serial.print("| IN: "); Serial.println(interCom); } void presentation() { sendSketchInfo("Front Gates", "3.4"); present(1, S_DOOR, "Front Gates"); present(2, S_INFO, "Gate Open Reason"); } void PBChangeIntercom() { if (startup) return; volatile static unsigned long last_interrupt_time = 0; unsigned long interrupt_time = millis(); if (interrupt_time - last_interrupt_time > 1000) interCom = true; last_interrupt_time = interrupt_time; changeDetected = true; } void PBChangeKeyPad() { if (startup) return; volatile static unsigned long last_interrupt_time = 0; unsigned long interrupt_time = millis(); if (interrupt_time - last_interrupt_time > 1000) keyPad = true; last_interrupt_time = interrupt_time; changeDetected = true; } void PBChangeKeyFob() { if (startup) return; volatile static unsigned long last_interrupt_time = 0; unsigned long interrupt_time = millis(); if (interrupt_time - last_interrupt_time > 1000) keyFob = true; last_interrupt_time = interrupt_time; changeDetected = true; }
The code is a bit verbose as I added some debug and extra vars to help me see what was going on. The inputs are:
Photocells : laser sensor that detects when laser path is broken.
Wallswitch: Switch inside house to keep gates open. Connected to analog A7 and gnd with a connection from A7 to +5 via a 220 resistor.
Intercom: Momentary switch in house to open gates.
Reed: A reed switch that triggers when the gates connect on close.
KeyFob: A Keyfob
KeyPad: Keypad switch.
Phone: A6 module.The motors pull about 1.9 A IIRC. Do I need LPFs? Any other ideas?
Thanks! -
RE: Livolo firmware mod
@javizzz Great work so far! I was looking at doing similar and using a RFM69 instead. I had taken a few days off next week to get stuck in. I was thinking I might use a small battery LiPo that I could charge from the AC side. Your work is a huge head start. Thanks!
Looking for multichannel relays that have shared common...
I have a few setups where I use multichannel relays to control 220V. It is always a pain to connect all the commons in serial. Does anyone know of a product that does this? Else I might just try my hand at a PCB to do this.
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1_Ver_C2)
This might be a good place to ask this
I bought a few types of switches like the Livolo. One of the generic brands is like this
Does anyone know what the component on the left is with the blue stripe? I was guessing transformer. I have drawn out the schematics to see how I might hack in an arduino radio.
Attempt at drawing the circuit here : ma not sure if the diodes marked as zeners are actually zeners.
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1_Ver_C2)
@mtiutiu Thanks - and I fully understand WIP. I am just trying to do the little I can by being a tester etc. I am also learning so very happy with that. I really appreciate all the effort you have done here.
RE: π¬ Arduino Serial Gateway for RFM69HW
Seems the original uploader does not seem to he on the forums anymore. The BOM in wrong - the 74LVC245 needs to be a SOIC-20 not a TSSOP-20.
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1_Ver_C2)
@tonnerre33 Wow! Never even thought of that! Doh! Will give that a go over next couple days. And for sure I will report how I get on with crashes etc.
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1_Ver_C2)
@tonnerre33 Thanks. I will try and source closer. After waiting a couple months for the parts I have it is frustrating to wait another few!
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1_Ver_C2)
My boards came with the 14 pin connector as pads not through hole. Not sure how the hell I will solder a connector to that
RE: π¬ Arduino Serial Gateway for RFM69HW
Hi - I assume the diodes are LEDs? Also what value are the caps? Thanks!
RE: π¬ RFM69 Serial GW (ATMEGA328P)
Hi @mtiutiu - Did you ever get a chance to make a BOM? Most of the one @tonnerre33 one makes sense but I only bought two boards so being a little cautious
RE: π¬ RFM69 Serial GW (ATMEGA328P)
I see C5 on the board has polarity. My ceramic caps seem to have no polarity (no markings on it -
I assume that this is ok and this does not need to be a tantalum cap?Thanks.
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1_Ver_C2)
thanks @mtiutiu !!
Quick one - Is there any difference in the bom?
RE: Scrolling Text sensor node with new V_TEXT
I just did send(msg2.set(reason.c_str())); and it worked. Thanks @AWI
RE: Scrolling Text sensor node with new V_TEXT
@AWI Derp! Looking at the headers that looks right! Will try a little later and report. Thanks!
RE: Scrolling Text sensor node with new V_TEXT
Sorry for hijack. I am trying to get domoticz to show text from a node but am not able to.
present(2, S_INFO, "Gate Open Reason");
MyMessage msg2(2,V_TEXT);
String reason = "blah";
send(msg2.set(reason));But domoticz only shows a 1. Probably missing something obvious?
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1 Ver: B8)
@mtiutiu I was not meaning to sound pushy! Enjoy your vacation.
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1 Ver: B8)
hi @mtiutiu - I see - Is this good to be ordered? If you give me a link on where you get a % I would like to order from there.
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1 Ver: B8)
@tonnerre33 Thanks! Do you know the old one?
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1 Ver: B8)
@tonnerre33 Thanks - do you happen to know the pin out?
RE: π¬ Wall Socket Insertable Node
Hi @Koresh - Brilliant! I can't wait to order a whole pile of your boards!
Please shout when there are available! -
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1 Ver: B8)
So besides the header being bigger what else has changed? I have received the current PCBs and wondering what I might need to do to make them still work?
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1 Ver: B8)
I got my PCBs today in the post. Is there a way to hack them to work with new circuit or should I just bin them?
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1 Ver: B8)
Added a couple more pics.
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1 Ver: B8)
Hmm.. I added some links in last post but they don't seem to show..
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1 Ver: B8)
Crap! I have version C2. I have already ordered all the BOM components! Doh.
Can the old PCB be hacked into working with this? What is the actual difference?
RE: π¬ RFM69 Livolo 2 channels 1 way EU switch(VL-C700X-1 Ver: B8)
Hi @mtiutiu - Firstly nice work. I bought a few and sent on a little gratitude also.
Is there a revision or something on the lenovo switches to make sure that I have the right one? I have quite a few now and a few more on the way so I just want to make sure I am all set.
RE: Pin Change Interrupt on "any" pin.
I am about to use the EnableInterrupt library to catch interrupts on lots of pins on a mega. I had to comment out in the header file where it tried to take control of the external interrupts. Yet to test though (gate controller replacement sketch).
RE: Which chip for OTA flash?
if you mean the AT25DF512C-SSHN-B then it is hard to find (in small quantities - I do see and also not 5v friendly. I know I can drop voltage but I want to minimise components.
RE: Which chip for OTA flash?
@tbowmo yes - well spotted. Would be nice to have a clear recommendation that all can use and know to work.
RE: Which chip for OTA flash?
I am going to try out
Will report back.
RE: OTA flash types for MySensors
@XavTroniC said in OTA flash types for MySensors:
Seems these are only 2K in size.
I would like something similar though! -
Which chip for OTA flash?
Anyone recommend some flash for both 3 and 5v mix of mini, nanos and a few megas? Not sure whether I need spi or i2c either.Thanks!
(edited title so as not to confuse people)
RE: Wall Box with LCD/TFT suggestions
@sundberg84 It was your project that inspired me
- The electronics part etc is not the hard part IMHO on these projects - it is the WAF and how tidy I can have them in the house. Hence I was looking for a box that I knew I could stick a screen and arduino in and not have to worry about it. Thanks for all the work!
Wall Box with LCD/TFT suggestions
Hoping to get some pointers on wall boxes that I could mount a mysensors node to replace current Danfloss one I have in each room. Would like to have a touch screen for some basic info and modest controls. Would need room to house a temp sensor, arduino and rf69 too.
Any ideas?
I see but connecting up the buttons there might be a real PITA so maybe full touchscreen is easier.Thanks!
RE: Gateway crashes on presentation from other nodes.
Just in case anyone comes across this it is related to ACKs. Not sure whether a mysensors issue or domoticz gets confused and resets the GW. Will probably swing back to it next weekend to test further but the exact same sketch fails when presenting with ACK and works when not.
Gateway crashes on presentation from other nodes.
I'm using 2.1.1 on GW and on a new node I am trying to add (RFM69 network). There are also 2 x 2.0.0 nodes too.
The controller is domoticz. When ever I reset the new node (has 12 or so child ids) or any other node the GW resets.From domo logs :
2017-01-21 08:18:42.194 MySensors: GW <== Heating System(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:42.405 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:42.482 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:42.484 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:42.612 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:42.689 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:42.690 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:43.130 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:43.208 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:43.208 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:43.645 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:43.722 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:43.723 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:44.164 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:44.241 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:44.241 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:44.682 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:44.759 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:44.760 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:45.241 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:45.318 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:45.319 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:45.758 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:45.835 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:45.837 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:46.289 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:46.293 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:46.371 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:46.836 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:46.913 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:46.914 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:47.346 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:47.422 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:47.423 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:47.860 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:47.937 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:47.939 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:18:48.379 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
2017-01-21 08:18:48.455 MySensors: GW <== MySensors Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.1.1]
2017-01-21 08:18:48.457 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.1.1
2017-01-21 08:19:11.451 MySensors: GW <== Walk In Wardrobe(1) [Set -- V_STATUS [ACK:0] Payload:0]As you can see from the last message messages are still swapped and other than the new node I can still interact with the older ones.
I am going to recompile domoticz now with more debug but maybe someone has seen something similar?Thanks.
RE: π¬ In Wall AC/DC Pcb for MySensors
@sundberg84 thanks - I had a look in the design files and I think I covered the comments but could not find a .stl file.
RE: π¬ In Wall AC/DC Pcb for MySensors
Excuse the possibly silly question but the buy options is PCBs only? Or does it come with the housing too?
RE: π¬ Wall Socket Insertable Node
Any update on this? This would scratch my latest itch!
RE: π¬ Button size radionode
Baby should be sleeping the night now
- Congrats!
Any ETA here? Thanks.
Gateway seems to keep resetting
Using a serial RF69 gateway that I updated to 2.0 a couple months back and not had an issue until last couple days. I hooked up a serial connection (and I also updated to 2.0.1) but am now seeing :
0;255;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete. 0;255;0;0;18;2.0.1-beta 0;255;3;0;9;MCO:REG:NOT NEEDED 0;255;3;0;9;MCO:BGN:STP 0;255;3;0;9;MCO:BGN:INIT OK,ID=0,PAR=0,DIS=0,REG=1 0;255;3;0;9;MCO:BGN:INIT GW,CP=RRNGA--,VER=2.0.1-beta 0;255;3;0;9;TSM:INIT 0;255;3;0;9;TSM:INIT:TSP OK 0;255;3;0;9;TSM:INIT:GW MODE 0;255;3;0;9;TSM:READY 0;255;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete. 0;255;0;0;18;2.0.1-beta 0;255;3;0;9;MCO:REG:NOT NEEDED 0;255;3;0;9;MCO:BGN:STP 0;255;3;0;9;MCO:BGN:INIT OK,ID=0,PAR=0,DIS=0,REG=1 0;255;3;0;9;MCO:BGN:INIT GW,CP=RRNGA--,VER=2.0.1-beta 0;255;3;0;9;TSM:INIT 0;255;3;0;9;TSM:INIT:TSP OK 0;255;3;0;9;TSM:INIT:GW MODE 0;255;3;0;9;TSM:READY 0;255;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete. 0;255;0;0;18;2.0.1-beta 0;255;3;0;9;MCO:REG:NOT NEEDED 0;255;3;0;9;MCO:BGN:STP 0;255;3;0;9;MCO:BGN:INIT OK,ID=0,PAR=0,DIS=0,REG=1
I have some customised logging in domoticz but was getting :
016-11-07 13:44:38.905 MySensors: Gateway Ready... 2016-11-07 13:44:38.906 MySensors: GW <== Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.0.1-beta] 2016-11-07 13:44:38.982 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.0.1-beta 2016-11-07 13:44:42.824 MySensors: Gateway Ready... 2016-11-07 13:44:42.825 MySensors: GW <== Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.0.1-beta] 2016-11-07 13:44:42.902 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.0.1-beta 2016-11-07 13:44:44.306 MySensors: Gateway Ready... 2016-11-07 13:44:44.307 MySensors: GW <== Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.0.1-beta] 2016-11-07 13:44:44.383 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.0.1-beta 2016-11-07 13:44:45.754 MySensors: Gateway Ready... 2016-11-07 13:44:45.754 MySensors: GW <== Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.0.1-beta] 2016-11-07 13:44:45.831 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.0.1-beta 2016-11-07 13:44:47.201 MySensors: Gateway Ready... 2016-11-07 13:44:47.202 MySensors: GW <== Gateway(255) [Presentation -- S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE [ACK:0] Payload:2.0.1-beta] 2016-11-07 13:44:47.279 MySensors: Gateway Version: 2.0.1-beta 2016-11-07 13:44:49.221 MySensors: Gateway Ready...
I tried with both ack on and off. Any ideas?
RE: How to add a serial device to use in node-red
I just spent an hour trying to figure this out and I'm not much wiser! I have a serial GW on a RPI-2. Domoticz is connected to ttyUSB0.
sudo socat PTY,link=/dev/ttySOCAT1,mode=666,group=dialout,raw PTY,link=/dev/ttyUSB0,mode=666,group=dialout,raw &
so I have the socat link but I want to be able to run mycontroller just to test OTA on my anarduino that I flashed dualoptiboot on.
I thought I might be able to allow mycontroller to inject OTA messages onto the mysensors network via ttySOCAT1.
What have I misunderstood?
RE: π¬ Building a Raspberry Pi Gateway
Does this page imply that RFM69 and Rasp Pi as a gateway/controller is possible?!
RE: π¬ NRF2RFM69
I have converted all my old (3.3v) NRF24 sensors to RFM69 using these. Work great.
RE: MYSBootloader 1.3 pre-release & MYSController 1.0.0beta
Hi all.
Hands up I have not read the whole thread so apologies! I was just wondering on status of RFM69? I am about to embark on an upgrade of all my node from rf24 -> rfm69 and 1.5 -> 2.0 and would like to also add OTA while I am at it.Thanks!
RE: Version 2 and RFM69
Great stuff @Anticimex - Now IMHO all we need to do is link the sketch and maybe pin that forum post or link from main page or similar.
RE: Version 2 and RFM69
I guess I don't think people should have to dig into the doxygen docs for this stuff.
It is not even mentioned in so do people need to clone the repo (like I did and build the doxygen docs) to figure it out?
When I first starting using MySensors I derived all my knowledge from the example sketches. Only when I could not figure stuff out that I even looked at the api and serial docs etc.Don't get me wrong - I really hope this is construed as feedback and not criticism in any way!
RE: Version 2 and RFM69
@Anticimex I just did not even know where to start looking. I read in another thread to look in SecurityPersonalizer.ino but it was still not apparent if I had to do that etc. People who came from 1.5 would not know that it was not a software defined setting. Not sure how many people just use the examples to base their sketches on but I really don't know the user base like you do!
RE: Version 2 and RFM69
@Anticimex I read the doxygen docs and was still not clear on what I needed to do as this was a define in 1.5. Also there will be a lot of users who are not s/w devs etc and this might be a stretch to figure out.
Also can this be done in a pre function?
I could try and submit a patch to set it via a define? -
RE: Version 2 and RFM69
Thanks @hek - it might benefit others to have this somewhere more obvious? Maybe on the serial GW page?
RE: Version 2 and RFM69
Ok so to be clear - all users of RFM69 will need to add a function to their sketches to do this? OR does it have to be done in advance with a separate sketch?
Version 2 and RFM69
I want to update my sensors to 2.0 - I had a look at the options in keywords.txt and MyConfig.h and I am trying to figure out where to set the ENC key for RFM69s.
My defines at moment are :
#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
#define MY_RFM69_FREQUENCY RF69_868MHZ
#define MY_RFM69_NETWORKID 100
#define MY_RFM69_ENABLE_ENCRYPTIONCan I use #define ENCRYPTKEY "sampleEncryptKey" from the RFM69 lib?
PS Are the examples on the website still 1.5 based ? eg
RE: π¬ AC-DC double solid state relay module
Just a thought : Why not use RAW instead of VCC so a 3.3V mini can be used as thus no logic conversion needed for RFM69? The SSR works find below 3v as it happens. Also means no need for the voltage changer. Could also look at getting the 3.3V HLMs also I guess.
Electric Gate contoller
My electric gates has become quite erratic as of late (2 x swing). I was going to look at buying a new controller (existing one is Serai CR/31) but I think I would like to make/copy one.
Anyone know of any existing open ones? Currently I have a reed switch on the gates that connects to mysensors network but this only lets me know when opens/closes and not actually controls it. I would love something integrated.
Thanks! -
RE: Easy/Newbie PCB for MySensors
What is the purpose of the Raw connection under the radio connection? Designed for a jumper to supply RAW to MYSX connection?
Also any other caveats to be aware of when using RAW and a 3.3 mini and skipping the regulator? -
RE: π¬ NRF2RFM69
@tbowmo I used the dirty link - I don't like that you get no contribution. Have you a paypal or something I can make a small donation to?
RE: Adapter for RFM69 on NRF24L01+ pinout-header
@hek Thanks but I do I order it? Put a few on a 5x5cm board on itead? Is there a file I can upload?
RE: Adapter for RFM69 on NRF24L01+ pinout-header
Hi folks - Anyone use a good adaptor? I want to change all my sensors to RFM69 but have lots of boards that are designed for NRF24L01+
Thanks! -
RE: Buy designs on
Is separate creds to the forums or is there a SSO?
If separate: the sign in with google a/c is throwing a 500 error. -
RE: π¬ AC-DC double solid state relay module
Does anyone know how to convert diptrace to kicad format? I want to try and edit to make a RFM69 version.
An on that note - would swapping a 3.3v arduino in and connecting the HLK to raw and supply rest of circuit from the VCC pin work? That way I do not need to level shift for the RFM69 and I don't need the voltage converter either.
Reflash soldered arduino bootloader
Just curious if anyone knows of some sort of pogo jig or harness that allows an easier reflash of an inplace arduinos bootloader? Hooking up the wires to the programmers is a bit of a PITA so I figure someone has done something to make it easier?
Thanks! -
RE: π¬ MySensors Stable Node
I would think we would solder on out own antenna.
RE: π¬ MySensors Stable Node
I would be all over this (would get a dozen!) if using RF69. Should be handy enough to modify? I better start watching those KiCad tutorials!